Character Sheet for Spindella Oakleaf
Character Description
most time she's a shut in, she's very shy and hates to show her fan girl side due to being made fun of for it. once she starts warming up to someone however she'll go full on fan girl, talking about her favorite games, movies, tv shows, comics, or mangas. if she gets the chance she'll talk someones ear off.
likes: Anime, cartoons, mangas, comics, movies, video games, cookies, anime merchandise, (secretly porn) and candybars
dislikes: bullies, most clothes ( due to her unusual body structure ), random requests when she's on the computer, the tests done to her.
Not much is known about Spindella, she was found as a child by a research team after reports of strange creatures roaming the woods at night. finding that she wasn't a threat, they took her back to the lab to study her a bit. At first one of the scientists suggested dissection, however another scientist, Dr. Oakleaf decided that it wouldn't be ethical to do such a thing to an innocent creature and with that she offered to raise the young monster girl as her own child and study her capabilities.
Over the years Spindella grew and Dr. Oakleaf made notes of every instance. they tried school at one time, it lasted for only half a year since most of the students either made fun of her, or were afraid of her so Oakleaf decided homeschooling was the best option. one day after her studies, Spindella was watching tv and was witness to a new form of media, Anime. she became quickly enticed by it, gathering more anime and soon mangas, becoming a massive fan. she would beg dr oakleaf to get her new toys or figures of her favorite characters. Only by being good would she get what she wanted but sometimes Spindella throws tantrums even tho she's an adult. before time of her becoming an otaku, she needed glasses due to her constant studying since Oakleaf said that she didn't want her daughter to be left behind academically.
Dr. Samantha Oakleaf, Spindellas adoptive mother
Her two large front legs are coming from the placement of where someones arms would be causing her regular arms to be pushed forward a bit. her third leg takes the place of where a regular set of legs would be on someone. also her third leg is smaller and double jointed. she has for eyes. long purple hair
most times it's a shirt associated with an anime or cartoon she's knows. 3 socks, the two that go on her front legs are usually colorful while that one on her third leg is plane. she does where a specially made undergarment for her panties
modified glasses to encompass her four eyes. bracelets that are also associated with anime. a necklace with her mothers photo in it.