In the depths of Bryar Forest, on the island of Viridis, there is a special kind of magic that takes place every night. It is then that Megan, the Historian of Viridis, tells her stories. Sometimes she speaks of the early days of the World, when the island was young and its three kingdoms were being forged. Sometimes, she speaks of heroes still breathing. All are welcome to come and listen, regardless of species or political affiliation, though mostly she gets children for whom the stories are still fresh.
Jen had always loved Megan's stories. She went to listen every night her mothers would let her, and she always got a front row seat. As Megan's cousin, she was allowed. On one memorable night, she was the only one who came, so Megan told her all her favorite stories plus a few new ones that the elder doe had been working on. Jet sat and listened, utterly spellbound as usual, as Megan's voice brought heroes and villains to life and, for a couple of brief, precious hours, let Jen be someone else if only in her imagination.
When the stories were finished, Megan laid a hand on Jen's shoulder.
"You come almost every night. You must know the stories as well as I do by now," Megan said.
"Almost. Sometimes my friends ask me to tell them one, if they have to miss a night," Jen said.
She blushed and looked down at the ground, afraid Megan would be mad at her for overstepping her bounds. Historians were supposed to be special. But Megan just gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze.
"You must be pretty good, then," Megan said.
"N-not really. I know the words, but I can't do it like you can," Jen said.
She'd tried, but when she told the stories they were just... stories. There was no magic and her friends got bored halfway through as often as not.
"I can teach you," Megan said.
"You would? I mean, I'd love that, if you're sure that'd be okay," Jen said.
Megan gave her a smile, and even in the dim evening light Jen thought she could see a hint of pride in her cousin's expression.
"It won't be easy. Nothing worth doing ever is. But I need an apprentice, and I think you're the perfect choice," Megan said.
Thanks! I absolutely love the picture. kristein did a beautiful job of bringing it to life, and she absolutely nailed the scene and the characters. I just kind of threw the story together at the last minute, but it seemed like the kind of picture that really deserved one. So I'm really glad you liked it!
And yes! I want Megan's top, too. I shamelessly stole it from an old picture that [iconname]Iko[/iconname] did for me once, so I don't know if she designed it or if she based it off a real shirt. But this is my favorite outfit for Megan by far.
Thanks! I absolutely love the picture. kristein ( ) did a be
I'm so glad. The more Grace and I do with her, the more I love her and I think we've both got all kinds of ideas for her. I certainly do! Plus she's just a really pretty character, and it's fun to see how she looks in different styles. I'm quite happy that she's even got her cute little ear tufts in this picture, too.
I'm so glad. The more Grace and I do with her, the more I love her and I think we've both got all ki
I'm glad you like it. I'm not sure that "spiritual" is a word I've have chosen. Megan's stories are meant to preserve an accurate history of her homeland, and to entertain. What religion their is on her homeland is handled by others. I'd meant for the magical effects in this story to simply represent her ability to bring her stories alive with her words. But I suppose it does have a rather mystical feel to it, at that.
As for Jen's outfit, she isn't meant to be wearing Link's clothes. I suppose, in hindsight, the green tunic was a mistake. But it's just a coincidence.
I'm glad you like it. I'm not sure that "spiritual" is a word I've have chosen. Megan's stories are
Sounds quite exciting that Megan is some land that lays far away from her new home and those places has some interesting stories, which combined with some mysticism create a true magic of Tale. :3
And it's okay for her to wear outfit that turned to be similar to Link's. It's just I've been listening to this song as for late and it's darn catchy! XD
Sounds quite exciting that Megan is some land that lays far away from her new home and those places
The picture is set in her native land. All of the art of her is, except possibly for a few of her with her boyfriend, or one or two that are more analogous to my real life.
And I never thought it wasn't okay for her to wear the outfit. It's not like anyone can copyright just a green tunic. But I don't want people thinking of some video game every time they see her.
The picture is set in her native land. All of the art of her is, except possibly for a few of her wi
I love magical storytellers! It's like almost every series which involves magic always has a storyteller, whom is passing down the tales from one generation to the next. Even Star Wars has something like this, even though they don't use magic. Although how the Sand People tell stories is usually.....biased.
I love magical storytellers! It's like almost every series which involves magic always has a storyt
It is a pretty common theme, and one that I think we, as humans, are naturally inclined to embrace. There have been stories for almost as long as there have been people, after all, and for much of our history we gave our storytellers a special place in society. So it seems perfectly natural that we'd carry that over to our fiction, too. Besides which, I think those of us who write stories are probably inclined to see it in a pretty positive light, as well. I know I've always been quite fond of the theme, myself.
Unfortunately, the biased storyteller is a pretty common theme, too. For much of history, they wrote what their patrons wanted them to write, after all. Those in my own little story world, however, are sworn to uphold the truth and to be completely neutral where politics are concerned. They keep the histories of all the species on the island and they pride themselves on being fair to everyone.
It is a pretty common theme, and one that I think we, as humans, are naturally inclined to embrace.
If you mean in terms of Star Wars canon, I can't really say. I'm familiar with the films, but I've paid almost no attention to the expanded universe stuff.
If you mean in general, well biased storytellers have, unfortunately, been something of the norm even in the real world. Just look at Robin Hood. King John might not have been the best king England ever had, but he wasn't any worse a person than the rest of his family. Not that any of them were really nice people. Or look at Shakespeare, who was a brilliant playwright but who altered history to suit the tastes of his patrons. We still do it today, too, out of ignorance of what the real history is, or for propaganda purposes, or sometimes simply because we want to use a historical background to make the story we really want to tell more compelling.
In some ways, it's understandable as tweaking certain facts can make for a better story. Or at least one that's less likely to get you lynched by your audience. Is it okay to do that? Well, that's something that I think could be debated quite a bit. But I can certainly see why it happens, and I think that the more tribal a society happens to be the more likely stories will be used more as propaganda or to suit their own interests and biases than to reflect the truth of things.
If you mean in terms of Star Wars canon, I can't really say. I'm familiar with the films, but I've