Siden, I love your stuff normally. But this recent batch of shenanigans... I adore it.
It's so well done, and has so damned much personality. There are comics you pick up to read where you don't mind that there's a thousand or more pages to read through because it's good stuff. Then there are comics where you're glad there's thousands of pages because it's a real treat to read.
This is -that- good as far as I'm concerned. The one downside? There's not that thousand pages of it to enjoy yet! D=
Siden, I love your stuff normally. But this recent batch of shenanigans... I *adore it.* It's so
Are you saying *snerk*,*holds laughter* that Dash is a badge wearing ring bearing EGGHEAD? NERRRRRRRRRRDDDDDDD!!!!!!! I must see more Shenanigans of Dash and Twilight alternate dimensions of themselves. Please do it pretty please.
~~~ Quote by Siden: No. Dash. ~~~ Are you saying *snerk*,*holds laughter* that Dash is a badg