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Unexpecttraction, Vol. 4 Ch. 11 - The Ceiling

Unexpecttraction Timeline (and alternative possibilities)
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Keywords cub 278185, incest 45647, romance 9093, brother 7756, sister 7601, siblings 6595, twins 6290, preteen 5460, izzy 1798, sibling 1086, twin 891, tay 800, mcincest 166, unexpecttraction 114
~Note: this takes place in it's own universe completely separate from McInTots or Into A Tizzy~

Isabelle Lisa McIntosh and Taylor Ryan McIntosh


Unexpecttraction, Vol. 4

Chapter 11

The Ceiling

by the kzx

        "We gotta talk..."
        Once the parents had gone upstairs and the twins could hear them cross over into the bedroom, Izzy silently indicated to her brother for them to head up as well. Even though they woke up late, it felt like a long day and inside the dingo girl's tummy, new knots had taken form. Where they had been over worry just minutes ago, they now took on a more hopeless form of black, oily snakes, twisting and falling. Everything felt like it was falling. Falling apart. What was falling apart? Oh, god, it was all falling apart...
        Without word or much mannerism, the twins walking solemnly and somberly upstairs. Izzy felt horrible and every second passing made it worse. She hadn't looked her brother much once this feeling passed a certain threshold. She figured he felt they got by with something, while she felt, and knew, that the worst may be around the corner.
        Upstairs, the twins walked down the hallway, their hallway, when they were a couple... 'were?' Tay attempted several times to hold Izzy's paw, but was met with failed enthusiasm.
        "What's wrong, Izzy?" Tay asked gently. Izzy kept looking forward, never faltering in that. Tay went silent again as they approached their bedrooms.
        "I'll, uh, be sleeping in my room tonight." She said, tearing herself apart and trying to not let it affect her.
        "Oh, okay." Tay said, following her, but was met with a paw.
        "No, you should sleep in your room." Izzy said, not looking at him. Maybe there was a sniffle at the end.
        "But... but, Izzy... you said we gotta talk...right?" Tay asked, confused. Izzy was confused, too. And sad. And... oh, god...
        "Yeah, um... maybe later, I don't know..." Izzy said half-mindedly. Was she even thinking about her words anymore?
        "Izzy... Izzy..." Tay said, tiny voice, watching the back of his sister's head fade into the darkness of her cold bedroom. "Izzy, stop!" Tay said, sternly. Izzy turned to her brother, her lover, her Tay.
        "What?" She said, like there was nothing to talk about... but she had said there was... where was she? Tay looked at her more serious than he'd probably ever seen her.
        "what's wrong?" He whispered. Maybe he could see it in her eyes, in her face. She opened her mouth, but not much could be mustered to speak.
        "i... i just..." Feeling a lump in her throat, Izzy turned to her room and went in, closing the door. She stood in the darkness for a few seconds. 'You used to be afraid of this, Izzy.' She thought to herself. 'What are you afraid of now?' She turned the light on and sat on her bed. Then the sitting turned to laying. The door opened slowly. She wished she locked the door.
        "izzy, please, what's wrong?" He asked, sitting on the bed. don't ask me, tay, please...
        "The door..." she said.
        "what about the door?" he asked. Izzy felt an urge to sit up. She did. She now faced Tay.
        "It's closed; you can stop whispering now." Izzy said, no personality in her own voice. She wasn't upset with Tay; she loved him. Maybe that was the problem.
        "Okay, so, no more whispering. What's wrong, Izzy?" Tay never sounded so concerned before. Izzy hated worrying anyone, especially Tay.
        "I don't think we should..." the words almost came out, almost. "Don't think..." Why was this so hard?
        "You don't think we should... what?"
        "We shouldn't..." don't break tay's heart... "we... shouldn't..." Izzy looked directly into Tay's eyes. "I don't think we should have anymore insects..." god, it was said, well.... in a way tay would understand, maybe... she didn't know...
        Tay's thought process was almost always visible on his face and body, though the results of those thoughts were most likely random. At times like these, with this kind of truth, she could almost always see the tears coming...
        "Izzy..." and they were. They were forming. Forming at the corners of his eyes, those eyes, those adorable green eyes. "Izz...zeee..." Through glistening eyes and trembling lips, Tay was relaying his heart beginning to shake snd twitch.
        "Tay, listen-"
        "No! You can't!" Oh, god, please stop this.
        "Tay, it's for the best-"
        "No!" Izzy's heart...
        "Tay, we aren't meant to be-"
        "N-no!!" ...it was crying.
        "Tay, please..." Now she was crying.
        "Izzy... I love y-you..." ...it was pleading, 'No! Please!'
        "I love you, too, Tay. Always have..." ...and screaming, 'STOP! YOU'RE KILLING ME!' "...always... will..." Izzy could feel it, those tears, that lump... She trembled with her words. The twins fell silent, sobs being swallowed and choked back. Can't make a scene...can't make a scene...
        "Tay... you heard Mom..." Izzy said, wiping her eyes, "...there's no future in it." The sounds of Tay about to cry were among Izzy's least likable sounds ever. "Maybe... just maybe, we could just go back to being brother and sister..." Every second passing was another inch closer to Armageddon. The end. Over. The twins sniffled together, afraid to touch each other, or even look at each other anymore. Tay threw his arms down on the bed.
        "This is bullshit!" Tay exclaimed a bit loudly. Izzy swallowed her tears.
        "We can't keep doing it! It's wrong!"
        "Says who? Who?!"
        "Mom and Dad!"
        "They said they love us no matter what!"
        "We lied to them, Tay! We promised them we're not a couple!"
        "This really is bullshit!" Tay's voice broke.
        "Tay, please, don't be loud or else-"
        "Or else what?!"
        "Or else Mom and Dad will come in here and wonder why we're crying." Tay went from angry to standing up, about to cry, staring st his sister.
        "Wh-why are we c-crying?" Tay asked. Izzy looked at him, trembling lips.
        "Because... we're breaking up..." Hearing the words hit both twins hard. Tay's angry, rigid stance melted into a sobbing form of sadness, which shambled out of the room and back into the other room, closing both doors behind it.
        Alone in her room, sitting on her bed, feeling empty and hollow, ears ringing from a bomb having just gone off, Isabelle McIntosh stared at the wall. She finally got up, changed into her pajamas and laid in bed, turning out the light. The boards beneath her began to shudder and break. She laid in her bed, looking up at the ceiling, the same ceiling her and Tay looked at on the night of their first date...
        That was it. The breaking point. Before she even realized it, Izzy had drawn in a quick, large gulp of air and was releasing it as a long, high-pitch whine, hiccuped by chokes of utter despair and sadness. She was crying, possibly harder than she'd ever cried in her life. Thoughts of Tay's smile and his touch snd his smell wafted through her mind as she writhed in agony in her bed, which was cold and empty to her tonight. The idea of the future contained for her visions of Tay, older, with other women, finally marrying one of them, Izzy on the sidelines watching, putting on a smile that seemed to indicate her happiness for her brother, but inside she would be dying, forever dying and hurting that her one and only Tay was not meant to be hers.
        As she rolled over, gripping her pillow tight and moaning silent sobs into it, she could smell Tay's scent from his visit just moments ago, and she cried harder, mouthing his name inbetween breaths. This pain... was worse than anything she'd ever experienced in her short nine years of life. She tried, oh, she tried to squelch the sobs in her pillow and in her comforter, but everywhere she sensed Tay. He was everywhere. Her everything was everywhere. Her everything was now nothing. She had nothing. No hopes or plans or dreams.
        Izzy rolled onto her back, staring at that same ceiling as before, trying to compose herself. She couldn't let the parents know anything was wrong. Woukd she ever be the same with Tay? Would she have her brother back and he have his sister? After the grilling session earlier, they couldn't start appearing suspicious now. Why would it matter now? There was no incest, no relationship. It was over. They were... they were...
        "we just broke up." The girl spoke with a broken and mostly silent voice. Just then, the glow of her clock caught her eye. The minute changed. What time was it anyway? Something made her think of Ilsa. Looking over at the bluish glow, she read the time-
        10:10 PM, on February 15.

by thekzx
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Unexpecttraction, The Lost Chapters, Ch 2 - Blue Hole part 2
Unexpecttraction Timeline (and alternative possibilities)
Twins are 9 years old here.

Alternate universe story of Tay and Izzy discovering each other as preteens. Stands completely alone from "Into A Tizzy."

This is book 4 of Unexpecttraction, detailing the more every-day lives of the McIntosh twins, having fallen in love. Valentine's Day is coming up and this is how they deal with their first V-Day together.

-Cub (preteen)

Have fun and enjoy, I hope!

cub 278,185, incest 45,647, romance 9,093, brother 7,756, sister 7,601, siblings 6,595, twins 6,290, preteen 5,460, izzy 1,798, sibling 1,086, twin 891, tay 800, mcincest 166, unexpecttraction 114
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 9 years, 11 months ago
Rating: General

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9 years, 11 months ago
At least they had Valentine's Day together.
9 years, 11 months ago
Oh god, that makes me cry...
9 years, 11 months ago

Poor kids. :(
9 years, 11 months ago
Yeah... i apologize for this chapter...
9 years, 11 months ago
Don't apologize.  I mean, the story isn't over yet, right?


Right? :o
9 years, 11 months ago
No. Not over.
9 years, 11 months ago
Also, i apologize cus of the sadness this chapter will cause, as it hurt me much to write it. Been dreading the end of book 4 since sometime mid book 2
9 years, 11 months ago
I thought 10:10 was earlier. But well played. Oh damn, poor Izzy! Don't wanna read her cry! Please stop that!
9 years, 11 months ago
they got home at like 945
9 years, 11 months ago
Dunno, already as Tay left her room. So the very moment, when he shuts the door behind him, *snap* look on a clock: 10:10pm. Was just my idea of the timing.

I... kind of don't like Ilsa. She can predict the future. Other interesting question now is: If she hadn't said anything, would the twins have to break up then?
9 years, 11 months ago
Her predictions are vague at times. Her alignment would be fairly True Neutral, so...
9 years, 11 months ago
No, 10:10 was when Izzy admitted to herself that they had indeed broken up.
9 years, 11 months ago
She just predicted something major happening at that time on that date
9 years, 11 months ago
I'm gonna go sit in a corner for a little while
9 years, 11 months ago
Finally caught up.  I'm a little sad to see this book end like this, but that just means the start of book 5 is really gonna be just as emotional.  I can't wait.
9 years, 11 months ago
........woow that was so sad omg i hope tay and Izzy gett back to togther i mean who cares what there parents think day still can be a couple in secret butt day have to find a way where day can make out (sex) or kiss each other with out being caught i mean if day Bemore carefull every thing will be fine trust me......any way i hope every thing will be fin between them :3
9 years, 11 months ago
and yeah to behonest my throat felled very very!! dry when i readed the part where izzy broke up that was so sad :'(
9 years, 11 months ago
Wow I feel so bad for the twins, Izzy especially cuz she is taking it hard.
9 years, 11 months ago
Wow, that was... that was very hard... please, tell me it will be a book 5.
9 years, 11 months ago
There will be a book 5 it's mentioned in a comment too Zeikcied above, and thekzx dose not seam like the kind of person to make a tragedy.
9 years, 11 months ago
Nope, I'm not.

There will be a book 5.
9 years, 11 months ago
Considering the options that could happen, this was the better of anything else. It was hard but some others would be harder.
9 years, 11 months ago
Aww , that's kinda hard to take  . I guess there is a truth that they can't have insects and relationship anymore . but I guess love will find a way . maybe .  Really great chapter ! :)
9 years, 11 months ago
I should have known better than to read this at work, I kind of cried a bit, and I'm depressed now, but on the up side, it was well written * insert 'its something meme' here*

I have a feeling this isn't going to stay private for long, I'm thinking the twins can't pretend to be happy in front of their parents and they find out.
9 years, 10 months ago
i have been wanting to mention this for a while. hope u find it interesting.
the first paragraph of "resistance" from muse always remind me of the twins. i know that song is about Winston and Julia from 1984 but still. every time i listen to it (which is often) i think the twins may end in a similar way, been their love forbidden.

9 years, 10 months ago
Wow... that blew me away. So perfect
9 years, 10 months ago
: )
9 years, 10 months ago
mmm what if u mention that song in some scene. not the lyrics just the name
like if it was playing in the car or they turn on the radio,or it is the ringtone of someone...
lets see if others find that song fit the story.
9 years, 10 months ago
I would but... there's actually a huge tie-in with a song for the next book, and the series as a whole, that I've picked
9 years, 10 months ago
mmm or just add it to the description of this one or in a journal.
nevermind. XD i am a fan boy
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