Ever since Jiggly and Nega had been shrunken down to kid size, they've had to bounce around from one friends house to another since no one believes they're adults forcing them to live with Moogie for a while until an incident forced them to live with Medley. it became quickly apparent to Medley that the longer the two of them remained this size, the more childish and kid-like they became. One night Medley was trying to get some sleep when she heard loud banging coming from the girls room. Going over, she sees Nega banging on a drum. she asks her nicely to stop and proceeds out of the room back to hers when suddenly she heard the banging again. bursting into the room she saw that both girls were on their beds but nega had the drumsticks on hers. She had nega stand as she gave her a swat on the butt and left the room again. not more than a few seconds later there was banging again but this time it was low. peeking into the room she saw jiggly was the one with the drumsticks and she was laughing at her twin. it didn't take long for Medley to sneak up behind her, mama medley is tired and PO'd