Originally Submitted to FurAffinity.net on September 19th, 2010 03:49 AM. Before it was transferred to Inkbunny it had 163 views and 10 favorites.
Commissioned windpaw to doodle up a little something. Initially it was going to be something naughty, but looking at the amount of red borders I've got, I figured maybe doing something more friendly. Here we have Saldura as shi appears in Gildedtongue's story, in uniform with hir main weapons on hand as well as I believe the first time we've seen the monocle computer implant on hir face, which, aside from an IO system in hir brain, the extent of hir cybernetic implants. Shi's also carrying a Coilgun pistol for medium range combat, and a vibrosword for close range, the sword hooked up to a battery situated on hir hip.
I've got to admit, I love the pose and the cocky look on hir. Windpaw certainly captured the feel of the character and gave hir a badass flair. Thank you muchly!