"why are you looking at me like that? im just changing into this better piece of gear..." its what i imagine her saying anyways haha. such an adorable pup i wanna give her lots of hugs :3
"why are you looking at me like that? im just changing into this better piece of gear..." its what i
Darn i never did comment on this earlier. Yey Rika! Haven't seen her in a while :). Pardon us, we'll not peek... honest XD...
Agree you've definitely come a huge way man, especially in line smoothness and proportions (though tbh that first sketch wasn't that bad for a first one). I especially love how your shading (like on her hair, as Tweaker mentioned) and colour choice has come along (especially stuff like the background here; that watercolour-look works really well).
Nice one, and congrats on your progress too; is a genuine pleasure to come and look at your gallery. :)
(I would dive in to tickle her tummy silly at this point... but then again she has a sword; I'd rather like to keep my arm a part of me XD.)
Darn i never did comment on this earlier. Yey Rika! Haven't seen her in a while :). Pardon us, we'll
Poor Rika. Lolis don't get any peace around here, do they? But she's so cute, and that look of surprise on her face is adorable! This is a gorgeous picture, too. I'm not smart enough about art to say this properly, but there's something in your coloring and shading that gives her a really nice, soft look and hints nicely at the textures of her fur, clothes, etc. Like if you could reach out and touch her, without losing a hand, she'd actually feel, well, furry. Which is something I think you're really getting good at.
I like the background, too. She's got a pretty nice place to relax in, but the trees behind her hint at all kinds of interesting adventures ahead, too. All that, and it's nice to see more of your cute lil adventurer foxy, too! Gotta love those tough girls!
Poor Rika. Lolis don't get any peace around here, do they? But she's so cute, and that look of surpr