There's nothing more depressing than going out with a friend and their significant other and watching them slobber all over each other when you're down and lonely. Chucky knew not to go there.
Yeah, Ican pretty much simpathise Shucky in that situation, Had Friends doing that on me a couple of times, when I was not in a greatest mood and needed some cheering. x3 Well, minus the screwing in the woods part! XD And YAY! New page! :D
Yeah, Ican pretty much simpathise Shucky in that situation, Had Friends doing that on me a couple of
A couple of girls I've tried to date, made me feel like that, calling on our "dates" their friends to hang with. Not sure why did they do that, but that was highly rude and uncomfortable.. :C
A couple of girls I've tried to date, made me feel like that, calling on our "dates" their friends t
awwwww poor chucky DX he needs a girlfriend so bad XD or maybe a Boy friend MWAHAHAHAHAHAAHA Ok seriously though i feel real bad for him DX absolutely relatable
awwwww poor chucky DX he needs a girlfriend so bad XD or maybe a Boy friend MWAHAHAHAHAHAAHA Ok seri
I feel like Chucky just needs to get away from...everything. I dunno, that's what I do when everything's going to shit like with what he's dealing with. :x
Discount Chocolate Day is totes better anyway. :V I feel like Chucky just needs to get away from...
>~> Being an accidental third wheel was what led to my first threesome... XD
But yeh, Chucky feels lonely and betrayed, so NOT the right mood to be a third wheel. Not to mention, did she REALLY go leg-up for just a 'hello' kiss? Damn eager! XD
>~> Being an accidental third wheel was what led to my first threesome... XD But yeh, Chucky feels