An attempt to differentiate average Pre-splice and Post-splice human body types in the Partners world.
Generally trying to show male shift toward androgyny.
Considerable failure. Would've been more successful with more distinct anatomy, should reference next time and work from there. Definitely need to revisit. Keep headbutting that wall.
Hmm....Androgynous is a bit of an odd choice for me most of the time. Being to the extent of not being able to tell from one angle or another makes sense, but you can usually tell unless the art style doesn't make it obvious. Yours has some clear defining features, beyond the simple "You can see the bulges from almost any angle you look at them from." thing. There is some of that, but that's not really the thing I mean either. It's something about it other than that. The males usually look, or maybe it's just me, a bit more curved, hips or not, the way the upper body looks like the outward curve starts a bit earlier than the female, though that may just be me trying to figure out something I can't comprehend, like I usually am by nature.
Hmm....Androgynous is a bit of an odd choice for me most of the time. Being to the extent of not bei
Ah. I suppose that makes sense, especially for the very cartoony look. At least you don't overdo the exaggeration to pull it off. I prefer it not looking more like someone was a bit overzealous on the plastic surgery.
Ah. I suppose that makes sense, especially for the very cartoony look. At least you don't overdo the