Mmm. I like the black and green versions best! Pink seems a little too garish for Desmond - and it draws attention away from his green fur. (OK, so I am a bit biased there. :-).
Mmm. I like the black and green versions best! Pink seems a little too garish for Desmond - and it d
*shoves whole box of insanely huge and variously shaped bad dragon toys into Besonik's head for more ideas and laughs like a maniac in the dark corner*
*shoves whole box of insanely huge and variously shaped bad dragon toys into Besonik's head for more
Hm... the pink is a bit garish for him. The green blends in too well, though. And it seems like a silly complaint, but I've never been hugely fond of big black lacey ruffles X3
Maybe a darker red would suit him best? Should definitely avoid blues though.
...Wait, why am I giving color advice for lengerie for Desmond?
Hm... the pink is a bit garish for him. The green blends in too well, though. And it seems like a si