It's better written than most Kids' shows out there. Plus it's done by the PPG's creator's wife. Granted, its demographic shows, but its humor is just what the doctor ordered. :)
It's better written than most Kids' shows out there. Plus it's done by the PPG's creator's wife. Gra
Honistly it's rather witty once you get past the Moral lesson thing in every episode and with each episode they seem to play it down more and more and just focus on entertaining.
Honistly it's rather witty once you get past the Moral lesson thing in every episode and with each e
Best not fuck Pestilence. I know you're joking, but if they were real, I'd have to avoid fucking Pestilence and Famine, unless fucking them was a way to save our lives.
Best not fuck Pestilence. I know you're joking, but if they were real, I'd have to avoid fucking Pes