You ever get that? I mean I'm so damn sure 90%- oh f*ck it. 100% of artist and writers and practically any living sentient creature with the capacity to produce anything to others has gotten that.
It's like an itch almost, this weird formless blob of a single sentence. It takes many forms but it's this weird feeling most of all. You ever have a time where you feel proud of something but someone points a single flaw in it? Sure the mistake is on you but that one-that one person just ups and vanishes. It's a weird feeling. So helpful and yet so mechanized.
They took the time to notify you, that's great. They just couldn't be bothered with anything else. Two halves of me on that. The part of me that is so happy they gave a flying jacker crack to notify me of the mistake. The other that asks " Well while you're here, is there anything else? What did you think of it anyway? OH, oh thanks- thank you! Thank you for just..being an auto correct. " Some days, man. You helped me fix a grammar mistake. Help me feel fix that other feeling.
9 years, 10 months ago
02 Feb 2015 04:48 CET
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