I have no idea why the idea to draw this popped into my head. I'll be the first to admit it's weird. But hey, for a toon, stuff like this is just part of the day-to-day.
Her skin has a personality of its own ! Just like when Casper got beheaded in one of my fan-fics, his head had to tell his body to pick up his head ! He had to guide it,too. When he did that and walked off with his head under his arm, the sight set off a RIOT !!
Her skin has a personality of its own ! Just like when Casper got beheaded in one of my fan-fics, hi
Not yet. Only 2 copies exist; my personal manuscript and scanned pages from my printer I sent to a correspondent in Texas (unless he was in the habit of burning things I sent him.). Also, since it uses copyrighted characters, I would have to have HARVEY grant permission, and that they may arbitrarily decide not to, as I have my own approach to Casper,etc.
I HAVE tried to key in a story in "fan-fic", but I couldn't get the program to accept my attempt to register.
Now, such physical metamorphosis as YOU indulge in, were possible, using the SOMA formulae, tho the Corrupting Book, the Necronomiconish book or ledger of my storyline, entails appalling risks, should an error be committed. Just as the Nng formula was omitted from the Necronomicon, due to the appalling consequences from the slightest error. Abdul Al-Hazred may have been mad, BUT he was not reckless and careless !
Casper has cause to fear, as the Corrupting Book has returned to the world, and the Restricted Shelves of Domdaniel Library may not suffise to protect the world from the menace and threat the book presents.
Not yet. Only 2 copies exist; my personal manuscript and scanned pages from my printer I sent to a c
The SOMA formulae will, if used according to the instructions in the Corrupting Book - followed precisely ! - would enable your characters to do the awful things you depict !
By the way, look up Soma in the Wiki. They are a bit - evasive.
The SOMA formulae will, if used according to the instructions in the Corrupting Book - followed prec
Fifi's tail, normally held like a banner or flag, lies limp because the support skeleton is absent .
In one X-Man story, Kitty Pryde's skeleton was removed from her body by that 1-armed sorceror in "hell", but she was imbedded in crystal, so she didn't collapse,
Fifi's tail, normally held like a banner or flag, lies limp because the support skeleton is absent .