Bit of a Seasonal pic as it's winter and cold outside. I was never really big into Sonic but I know there are lots of people here on IB that are. Always a first for drawing everything!
Great picture, I'll let your admission of blasphemy in the description slide. I guess we all don't have epic memories of playing Sonic 2 with our cousins when we were kids. That and Contra Hard Corps, ahh good times.
Great picture, I'll let your admission of blasphemy in the description slide. I guess we all don't
It really depends on your perspective. I remember vividly when I got a Dreamcast and first played Sonic Adventure, I fucking LOVED it. I mean, especially for the time it was pretty impressive. We are talkin 1999 here. I replayed it start to finish with every character just last year when I got it off STEAM. Except for Big the Cat, fuck that fishing shit.
It really depends on your perspective. I remember vividly when I got a Dreamcast and first played S
Well i was an 80's child, so life started and ending with a NES and SNES, then we had every console (Nintendo, Sega, PS, X-box) after that as they came out. We also had an Atari, Colecovision and Commodore 64 if you know what those are
Well i was an 80's child, so life started and ending with a NES and SNES, then we had every console
I love how cute and detailed this is, especially on the eyes. Just a bit of a question, though: how did she fit her giant ear into that tiny hat? and also, why does she have her panties down? Does she want her bits frozen?
I love how cute and detailed this is, especially on the eyes. Just a bit of a question, though: how