Glad you've included my short story in your drawing, hun!The drawing is totally adorable and your colors are cute! It seems as if it were an illustration of a storybook!
Glad you've included my short story in your drawing, hun!The drawing is totally adorable and your co
This really warmed my heart :) I can feel all the love this drawing represents. <3 I agree with Marisolbosques about the fact it would be perfect for a storybook for children. This will be absolutely my favorite drawing in your gallery. Excellent artwork nelson!!!
This really warmed my heart :) I can feel all the love this drawing represents. <3 I agree with Mari
*giggling*Silly me!I had come from work and I was very tired when I wrote the description and had not realized it until now!Many thanx for telling me!*giggling*
*giggling*Silly me!I had come from work and I was very tired when I wrote the description and had no
this turn out really great Nelson. this kitty princess love it tons ^^. you and your friend always comes up with wonderful ideas. next time you guys draw me it will have to be my new current form witch is black and pink. I am still a kitten and a princess ^^. and I can still become a bunny or pony.
this turn out really great Nelson. this kitty princess love it tons ^^. you and your friend always c
Aawwww really cute picture Nelson/Victor, nice atmosphere in it, we can feel the hapiness. We can feel the warmth in it ... *thumb up* nice job my friends
Aawwww really cute picture Nelson/Victor, nice atmosphere in it, we can feel the hapiness. We can fe