He heard her before he saw her. The machine-gun sound of her rapid feet running gave him just enough time to sit up from the bed and mentally prepare for what was to come.
Mina Mongoose in heat was, at once, one of the most terrifying and beautiful things KG had ever experienced.
The usual sequence of events was:
- Some foreplay, like KG motorboating Mina’s massive mammaries, or rimming her big, fat ass.
- KG lovingly stuffing his 10 inch girth into her backdoor.
- A big sticky load in Mina’s insides.
- Nice, warm, loving post-sex snuggling.
But in heat, Mina insisted on being on top, riding him with the intensity of an angry goddess who had decided to take up jockeying. She would ride him hard for at least an hour, without pause or mercy. And as she ravaged him, her fat, golden tits would swing up violently, nearly causing him a concussion! Not that she would have ceased… Not that he would have wanted her to.
And then, within the blink of an eye, she was outside the door of their bedroom. She was a most wondrous sight. Her appearance was quite dishevelled; her purple hair, normally quite smooth and combed back, was now sticking up in odd places, as though she had run her hands through it multiple times; Her eyes, or rather the whites, had gone, replaced by a bright and almost violent red; And she was breathing hard, like she had just come back from a 500m sprint. This rapid breathing was causing her enormous golden breasts to bounce about quite rudely in their black cotton prison.
KG desperately wanted to say something smart or flippant at the sight of his girlfriend looking like she had been possessed, but he found that most of the blood that had been in his brain was travelling Southbound into his nethers. However, there was still some blood left for him to stand up and say to the fiery mongoose before him:
“And what’s gotten into you?”
This, it seemed was the wrong thing to say, because the next thing KG knew, he had been speared onto the bed. Before he could even register any pain from her tackling of him, Mina was straddling him in the middle of the bed. Now, KG was stronger than Mina usually, but when she was burning up with the heat, she held him down with ease.
“Gotten… into me?” Mina snarled, her fangs bared. “YOU are getting into me!”
KG bared his own teeth, but in a nervous smile. “Yes, Ma’am!”