1st panal should say: A chest? What could be inside? For the 3rd: A VHS! And the last panal, Cream should say: Yes. Mom is hiding something and I would like to know what it is.
Other than that it looks to soon get very interesting. ;)
1st panal should say: A chest? What could be inside? For the 3rd: A VHS! And the last panal, Cream s
I do beta work for alot of fanfiction, so if you don't mind I could clean up the text for you? Or rather, write out the best sounding version of what you have them saying and write it here for you to look over so you can change it if you want, because I have zero artistic ability. If I tried I would need to add a giant white square to put the new text in and that would ruin the page.
For this page
Panel 1: Cream: A chest? I wonder what's inside of it...
Panel 3: Cream: A VHS tape!
Panel 4: Tails: So you just found this tape in a chest with no label? Cream: Yeah! Mom's hiding something, I just know it, and I want to know what!
I do beta work for alot of fanfiction, so if you don't mind I could clean up the text for you? Or ra