As long as it will be a real thing... I know this comment's real late but at the time I couldn't view anything and then I forgot to come back to watch it.
As long as it will be a real thing... I know this comment's real late but at the time I couldn't vie
Fun fact, I accidentally imported the Sanic skin into the last build so its likely going to be in the game but never used because that's just ... very unethical. Might have to patch to remove it to free up 50kB
Fun fact, I accidentally imported the Sanic skin into the last build so its likely going to be in th
When the penis collides with a deformable mesh the computer lags as it tries to calculate tensile and compressive stress across 100,000 node links and update a collision volume 60 times a second using 512 bit floating point values. Running on a virtual machine running on a toaster.
When the penis collides with a deformable mesh the computer lags as it tries to calculate tensile an