support on Patreon there will be a Collet comic. The story will be Collet dealing with a suspicious nurse at school, hmm I wonder what will happen next?
You want to see more pages? I'll make you a deal, support my Patreon page and I'll post each page of Collet comic here on Inkbunny for everyone free of charge. Any pledge is welcoming including $1 and $5 pledges. If my total pledges gets over $400 I'll keep posting the pages. I'm already most of way their so it wont take much more support. Remember your support allows me to work on art full time.
Even if you don't reach your monetary goal, I'd hope you'll at least release this for your Patreon subscribers? I'd like to see it continue, and while I hope you reach your goal, it would be a shame to pan the project.
Even if you don't reach your monetary goal, I'd hope you'll at least release this for your Patreon s