He said "You're gonna fucking love it" and the bitch is right I loved this one X3
Last week I was telling him some fun things about Mario Kart Wii Online and stuff, and seems he used that to create this, and yeah I love all mario related things
However here we see I_F Somehow.. entered this World of races and is ready to blow anybody who gets close
Bah! Kart Wii was the most pathetic one since Mario Kart GBA. You want some real Kart action, it has to be Double Dash for the GameCube. More karts, more fun, and none of the Wii's stupid motion controls.
Bah! Kart Wii was the most pathetic one since Mario Kart GBA. You want some real Kart action, it h
64 was fun, and had the best battle mode of all the Mario Karts, but I still think for racing, Double Dash is tops. Kart DS was a disappointment, Kart Advance was so bad I wish I could get my money back (worse than Kart original, which wasn't bad, just very very dated).
64 was fun, and had the best battle mode of all the Mario Karts, but I still think for racing, Doubl
but well it prevented me to fall asleep during classes those days
Kart wii is quite dissapointing in terms of speed and items
but you can also play without the wheel, just using the common controller + Knunchuck norris i play mkwii only for the online thingy and because the custom mii racer thingy
God! kart advance was so bad! but well it prevented me to fall asleep during classes those days Ka
Forget the Wiimote, I use the Classic controller, or at times I plug in my old Gamecube one. As supposedly "fun" as the motion control may be, it is an inferior response rate to good old analog sticks.
What got me through highschool (oh so many eons ago) was my TI83+ graphing calculator which I had Duck Hunt, Tetris, and Drug Wars on. Though I re-scripted drugwars to be PimpWars, selling hoes and gimps and sex toys instead of narcotics.
Forget the Wiimote, I use the Classic controller, or at times I plug in my old Gamecube one. As sup
Bloody hell, I miss Link to the Past. Best Zelda they ever made. The 3D versions were fun, and the original will always be classic, but LttP was tops. SO WHY HAVEN'T THOSE NINTENDO BASTARDS PORTED IT TO THE DS YET?!!!
Seriously... One DS cartridge, and you could have every NES game ever made. They did it for Atari games, give us NesSnesDS!
Bloody hell, I miss Link to the Past. Best Zelda they ever made. The 3D versions were fun, and th
I liked Majora more than Ocarina, but I played it first, and that might skew my opinion a bit. Wasn't fond of Twilight Princess though... The whole "Light World / Dark World" thing was getting tiresome on the Wii (every F'ing Nintendo title was doing it), and Light/Dark was already done (better) in Link to the Past. About the only memorable thing about Twilight Princess is the plethora of WolfLink+Midna porn.
(I won't go into just how bad the DS Zelda games have been. It just kinda goes without say, as every NinBrand DS title tries to shoehorn in every f'ing feature the DS has. You look like such a tool yelling into the damn microphone, and touch-screen is inferior to button control on most every game - Jagged Alliance, Advance Wars, and Plants vs Zombies being the only exceptions I can think of.)
I liked Majora more than Ocarina, but I played it first, and that might skew my opinion a bit. Wasn