Made sort of in sync with the robot, as it too is a bit more overlooked in the Halloween department but place a little higher because one, they're a big more common and paranormal then a robot and two, Greys are fucking terrifying!
I've always really liked the concept of aliens, maybe it was thanks to Men in Black, but much like the generic monster picture I made, it just lends itself to total imagination. Not even the sky's the limit, friggin' space is the limit! While you can really go anywhere and do anything with the idea, I stuck to the more common look of a Grey because this countdown is all about being simple and again... Grey's are fucking terrifying!
It's really hard for me to decide on which type of alien I like in terms of being a threat. The cold, nonspeaking, calculating one, or the more mischievous, out there types with a personality. Both bring a lot to the table (though I'd have to say I think my favorites would be the Mars Attacks martians) and I kind of wanted to have a feel of both in this character and strangely I think I captured it!
Of course, how do aliens fit into the realm of the dead? Well... THEY DON'T! It's common knowledge that aliens do NOT exist! Ghosts, zombies, living inanimate objects, Minotaurs, Harpies, Vampires, Werewolves, witches, sentient slime, Big Foot and the laughter of children all exist, but aliens? Totally fake! And anyone who believes in them is insane and should be killed again for having been so stupid as to believe in such a thing!