Evelyn starts her day by warming herself on the artificial warming rock she keeps in her study.
This was inspired by the warming rocks people who have pet lizards and snakes use to keep their scaley friends warm in their enclosures. I figure reptilian anthromorphs might have something very similar, upscaled in size of course, in their own homes.
It should really be functional in latitudes where winter is a big factor. It's not exactly Lizardbeth's nuclear hoodie or even a Starbucks but it probably still helps jumpstart a frosty morning or two.
It should really be functional in latitudes where winter is a big factor. It's not exactly Lizardbe
you can actually make one of these for your home if you wish, I can definetely see scaled and non-scales beings enjoying it. the little details like the snake statue in the b/g and her hood being relaxed are also a nice touch:)
you can actually make one of these for your home if you wish, I can definetely see scaled and non-s