indeed! In my head canon Sweetiebelle is more developed, Applebloom has a child body but she's taller than the rest (because the earth-pony gens), and Scootaloo is thinner, smaller and has the more childish body of the three (not only because she's a pegasus she had a hard early childhood).
indeed! In my head canon Sweetiebelle is more developed, Applebloom has a child body but she's talle
I like how Sweetie Belle has massive cleavage but hardly any boobs. This totally makes sense--she's Rarity's sister, and Rarity would know all the techniques. I can see Sweetie Belle getting dressed and having a breakdown because she feels like she's flat as a board, and in swoops Rarity...
I like how Sweetie Belle has massive cleavage but hardly any boobs. This totally makes sense--she's
mmmh, no I don't think so, even when I have the belief everything can be turned to porn, in this specific case would spoil the draw, too many clothes on a r34 pic just don't seem good and if you took away the clothes the masquerade theme is lost.
mmmh, no I don't think so, even when I have the belief everything can be turned to porn, in this spe