Character Sheet for Brian Meno
Character Description
black wolf with dark green eyes, light blue paws and what color his white patch of fur glows when he uses his powers, dark grey/black fur.
funny, kind of a jerk to his friend Matt, lazy, weird
enjoys videogames, sleeping, not doing anything, movies
hates work, hard work, not fun things, losing bets
born as a human named Brian Meno his parents did unknown work at a laboratory, at age 16 his parents destroyed all of the research aside from two powers, illusions and telekinesis. he soon ran away just days before his best friend Matt was kidnapped and experimented on by the same company the late Meno parents worked at. about three years later while he was being hunted down by SWORD soldiers (the company that his parents worked for) he stopped for a brief rest, when a flash of light spoke to him telling him to think of an animal that he loved the most, a wolf in his case. when the light faded he was in the form of a feral wolf and the soldiers looked over him and continued their search for a no longer human Brian who had by then changed his name to Zalmenos. the voice also told him that there was another human stuck in an animal form at the central SWORD base and was set to be killed. if he died than the ragtag rebels against SWORD known as RUST would fail no matter what happened. when he rescues the small fox he does not know it is really his best friend Matt until a few days later, and he invites him to live with him.
after several years the voice spoke to them again telling them to return to SWORD and they wouldn't be killed, shortly after their arrival they were injected with the mysterious element known as 'anthronium' turning them into anthropomorphic forms of themselves. as well as all humans within a week of their transformation. Brian could also transform to and from his feral form and back whenever he wished to.
actually a 2nd cousin to Matt. though they're such distant relatives they rarely think about it
a world much like our own with humans and feral animals it changed when the unknown company SWORD used anthronium to transform all humans into anthro animals.
black fur white triangle chest patch blue paws green eyes
pink flea collar in the warmer months