Or he's just like Tyrel Badd (Miles Edgworth - Ace Attorney Investigations. No, it was not censorship, Capcom made him like this for some reason. Perhaps to show that, despite his cold looks, he's a sweet person.)
Or he's just like Tyrel Badd (Miles Edgworth - Ace Attorney Investigations. No, it was not censorshi
By your powers combined, I am Shadow Paper! Celestia will freak out for good...or maybe even fall in love for a short period (swayed by Her good looks, before taking a cold shower...) with this version of Paper! That would be a great pun too...I'm calling it here and now! *giggle*
By your powers combined, I am Shadow Paper! Celestia will freak out for good...or maybe even fall in
I think Paper's going to die here since Applejack went missin on a trip to Appleloosa ar the same time that Celestia's lover died. Since the timeline doesn't make reference to her being Celestia's mate or wife I sadly think this is where things go downhill.
Looking at the crazy future timeline... I think Paper's going to die here since Applejack went miss