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Rocket Raccoon Book 2: Chapter 4
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Rocket Raccoon Book 2: Chapter 5

Rocket Raccoon Book 2: Chapter 6
Keywords raccoon 36795, otter 35910, sci-fi 4734, marvel 1589, galaxy 1386, rocket 1344, otters 794, raccoons 537, guardians 163, groot 130, blasters 46, prisons 14, knowhere 7
Chapter 5:
The Heart of the Matter

Popcorn, Rocket thought, his eyes were still tightly closed. Popping popcorn, he thought again. That's what he heard from all around him. His nose started pecking at the air trying to pull in the luscious buttery smell, but there was none. There was the smell of wood, burning like a barbecue. The smell was never popcorn at all, but the sound of burning wood. There was a slight amount of disappointment that there would be no popcorn, but then again there was the barbecue. Steaks get cooked on the barbecue, his thought process moved on from popcorn to juicy, meaty steak very easily. Suddenly he was hungry.
Going to have to get me some of that steak, he thought one final time before he rolled over onto his side. Every inch of his body was sore and screamed with pain as he moved. The grass, the earth beneath him was soft, not unlike a very firm bed. The only difference was it was cool and wet against his cheek. For a moment he didn't want to open his eyes, he was far too comfortable. That was when the memories of space battle came flooding back to him. Agent 19 had put them in harms way with her pride and pigheadedness. There was a rush of anger that surged through him. She'd made them crashed. Risked he and Groot's...Oh god Groot!
Rocket sat straight up and looked around. The first thing he saw was Groot sitting up against the truck a of huge street. Now you must understand that Groot is of a particularly huge size as it is, so if the tree is huge to him, than it must be an enormous tree. Groot turned his head slowly and looked at his friend Rocket with tired eyes. A wide grin pushed it way across his face.
“I am Groot...” Groot said tiredly as he reached up and touched the nub that use to be his one arm.
Rocket cringed and shook his head slowly. “That sucks buddy, hopefully it grows back quickly.”
Groot nodded as he put a long thin tree branch between his lips as if it were a wheat reed, Rocket coughed hard and spoke. “Where is...what's her face? Agent 19?” He purposefully stammered on her name.
Groot turned back to him and said in a forced tone. “I am Groot.”
“Hunting? Terrific, I hope she scores something good.” Rocket rubbed either side of his head, trying to clear the thumping that was going on.
“I am Groot!” He said while starting to get up, but Rocket held his hand up.
“Don't get up buddy, stay there and rest. I'm fine. I just need a moment to reset myself that's all...” Rocket stretched and breathed in deeply.
Resetting was a good way for Rocket to say, he needed to get his shit together. He wasn't sure what the name of the moon was that they were on, but it was very similar to an M-class planet. All around him were thousands of giant trees. A forest very similar to the forests that he'd seen to on Earth before, but more dense. The air was heavier than most of the places he'd been as well, but survivable. That must be the reason why Groot was so tired now, being surrounded by so much oxygen was the equivalent to eating too much.
Above him, anchored to the trees in a make shift tent were the wings from the cruiser. It must have been Groot's idea to set them up like that, they were securely wedged into the side of the tree and angled out into the dirt. Further secured by having large boulders placed behind the wings. Sometimes it paid to have a Groot on your team. Beneath the wing tent was a small hastily built campsite.
It was at that moment, Rocket realized everything around him was green, everything was in a color other than red. His helmet was gone, and with it his visor. He ran his hands down his chest. The leather armor that protected the upper half of his body was gone as well. Out of all the armor he'd been wearing, all he had left was his tank top, most of his leather trousers, his boots, and one glove. Beside him in the grass was one of his blasters, the other was Gods only knew where. His double barrel atomizer sat next to the blaster. A few clips for his blaster, only two additional energy shells for his atomizer.
That was when Rocket felt a surge of panic as he felt around his thigh. The pant leg that had held his pipe pouch was gone, so too what his pouch. There was a twinge of pain deep inside of him. The anger that he had towards Agent 19 had more than rekindled, it was a full blown fiery fury. He'd protected that pouch with his life more than a hundred times, and her idiocy had cost him something so dear.
Rocket forced himself to stand up despite how much his muscles objected. It wasn't so bad once he got to his feet. Although it didn't help the pounding of his head. Rocket snatched up the double barrel atomizer and threw it over his shoulder. With the loss of the muscle enhancements from the nanomites in his upper body armor, the atomizer was quite a bit heavier than he remembered. He bent down to scoop up his blaster trying to push it into a holster that just wasn't there.
“That won't work.” A familiar robotic voice called from behind him.
Rocket turned and raised his blaster in the voice's direction. Agent 19 stood behind him with a strange looking beast draped over her shoulder. It appeared very deer like with it's thin legs and cloven hooves. The fur was a dirty white, with brown spots all over it. It's neck was short and thick. The goat's head that hung from it's stubby neck had a few features in common with a large jungle cat. There were two aluminum bolts sticking out from it. One in it's flank and the other of it's chest.
Agent 19 had suffered from the crash as well. Rocket noticed it almost immediately because of the bright green glowing fur that shown all around. Her helmet was still in working order, but she's lost her left eyepiece. Her armor top had to be refashioned into a leather kilt. Leaving her with just a black tank top. Her trousers no doubt were obliterated. One of her boots was torn half way down and off. She still had both of her gloves. At her hip, hanging from a refashioned seat belt strap was a Hyper Plasti-steel Hand Crossbow 900 Series. A small makeshift satchel hung at her back, it was weighted down by something Rocket couldn't make out. Around her calf on the leg that still had the full boot was Rocket's “dagger”. All of this was observed in a second, his thumb clicked the safety switch off on his blaster.
When Agent 19 saw that she'd been drawn on, she dropped the creature and held out her hand. “Wait Rocket, it's me!”
“I know! You almost killed us you stupid bitch, gimme one good reason why I should blow your face off.” Rocket yelled, the sound stung his throbbing head.
Groot was up from his spot on the ground, making his way to stand between them. The thundering of his friend coming up behind him, distracted him long enough for Agent 19 to move in closer. Her glowing fur had been the only thing that alerted him to her assault. Rocket turned in enough time to block a forward chop to his face with his forearm. It hadn't bought him any extra time however. Agent 19 gripped his blaster and twisted it free from his hand, tossing it aside. Rocket stumbled back and crouched down, dodging a fast round house kick, leaving him and opening. He planted both of his hands firmly against her backside and shoved her already off balance body.
Masterfully she tumbled forward into a somersault and came back up on her feet. Even without full use of her armor she was frightfully fast. Rocket didn't have nearly enough skill to beat her in a fair fight. All the while Groot was carefully stepping around them trying to block them from one another at every chance he got, while doing his best not to step on either of them. As the two ran at each other. Groot was stepping down between them. This was the chance Rocket needed, he feigned to the right in enough time before Groot stepped down, so that Agent 19 would assume he was going that way. Then he changed his trajectory to go left.
It had worked, when he rounded the tree trunk leg he could see Agent 19 has her back to him. With ever ounce of power in his body he bull rushed her. One elbow kept out as it slammed it into her back right between her shoulder blades. Her feet left the ground as both of their bodies were flying through the air.
   Agent 19 landed on her chest with a deep woof sound, Rocket's body falling on top of her giving him another satisfying groan. The air had been knocked out of her, of this Rocket was sure. With and opportunity like this, he rolled her over on her back. She kicked hard with her right legs, but he'd anticipated it. Rocket grabbed her leg under his arm left arm and pinched it against his body. With all the strength he had in his weary body, he punched the inside of her thigh hard. Agent 19 let out a high pitch scream, and rocked her head from side to side. Had he just severed her leg, she thought. In truth he had made muscle in her thigh jump and tightened with a seething pain that pushed through her entire leg. It wouldn't be permanent in any stretch of imagination, but she would have trouble moving it for a minute or two.
Rocket climbed on top of her. Pinning her arms to her sides as he straddled across her belly. His fingers searching down her flailing right leg until he found what he was looking for. Once the “dagger” hilt was in his hand, he flipped the switch and it formed into a formidable blade. He held it ready as if he were going to run her through.
“Stop Rocky!” Agent 19 screamed.
Just then Groot swept in and grabbed Rocket by the arm that was holding the blade and lifted him into the air so they could be face to face. “I AM GROOT!” His gruff voice boomed to the point it left Rocket's ears ringing.
Agent 19 fought to get to her feet, but Groot stomped the ground next to her, the rumble throwing her onto her back once again. “I am Groot....” He hissed as he locked eyes with her.
“What did he say?” Agent 19 whimpered as he hugged her leg to her chest.
Rocket panted heavily and conceded to the will of his much larger friend. “He said...he said we are behaving like children. We need to talk it out and stop fighting. Then he said...if we don't he's going to paddle our asses and put us in a coroner.”
“I am Groot.” Groot snatched a glance back at him.
“Corner, put us in a corner. Sorry buddy.” Rocket said softly.
“I thought that's what he said.” Agent 19 panted, the voice box in her helmet was shorting out. “Truce for Gods sake.”
“Truce.” Rocket said in defeated.
Groot placed Rocket down on the ground on his backside. Then reached over and helped Agent 19 sit up. Neither of the two made a move to stand up nor take a go at each other. They just stared back and forth at each other, too tired to even exchange dirty looks.

Some much needed time had passed. Groot sighed softly and looked up through the top of the trees. The sun was going down painting the forest in warm colors of reds, oranges, yellows, and pinks. It was so beautiful, inviting, if Rocket could paint, he would probably not paint it because it would a waste of time, Groot thought. It was such a nice change from the blackness of space. But at the same time it was worrisome, why was it taking so long to be rescued. None of them had any clue what it would be like to spend a night in this place. Perhaps they would just have to huddle together beside the fire and hope for the best. Groot wasn't afraid, especially now that his other arm had grown back.
However not much had changed from earlier. Rocket and Agent 19 were still not on speaking terms. At least Groot had convinced them to start dinner. Roasted whatever the creature was, and random mushrooms and vegetables. Those were his favorite anyway. The two fleshies could just eat all the meat.
While the food was cooking, this gave Groot sometime to reflect upon their situation. His wards, the raccoonoid and the Agent. Both very similar beings when it came to attitude. Their pride levels were off the charts. This would make things difficult for survival, but Groot was optimistic about their chances. From what he gathered. Rocket had feelings for this Agent 19, but the Agent 19 had tricked him, by pretending to be someone else. This was what caused all the problems in the first place.
The second thing was Rocket had asked her politely on numerous occasions to take off her helmet. Offering her an olive branch, so that they may rekindle their fertilizing ritual or such. But Agent 19 dodged his request at every chance. A frustrating prospect to be sure. Groot already knew who she was, that had been revealed to him at the Gory Hole Tavern on Knowhere. That was why he surrendered so easily. Why didn't he just tell Rocket? Simple it was not his place to do so. If Agent 19 wanted to play her silly games, that was her business.
The third complaint and surely the straw that broke the proverbial camel's back was Rocket  assured her that he was a superior pilot, and would keep them out of danger when they went up against the Pirate warship. That was when Agent 19's pride reared it's ugly head. It didn't turn out well. Rocket's response was only partially warranted, but he was a creature of very little patience as Groot had learned over the years. But Rocket's pride would have earned them the same reward if roles had been reversed. They would still be in the woods, waiting to be rescued. The only thing he could offer his friends now was a sympathetic...
“I am Groot.” Groot said softly from where he was leaning.
“I know buddy.” Rocket said softly, his voice cracking as he thought about his lost pipe.
Agent 19 didn't have to ask what he had said, she already knew. It was the same thing that she'd been thinking about the whole time on her hunt. It took a real woman to admit when she had been wrong. She only hoped that he could be a real man and accept it.
“I'm sorry.” Agent 19 said softly, her voice still cutting out through the helmet speaker.
Rocket shook his head slowly. “Take the goddamned helmet off!” Rocket snapped, his tone was frustrated, but his cadence was weary.
Agent 19 hesitated and just sat there. “No...” Was all she rebutted.
“You're not allowed to away one more word until you take you flarking helmet off.” Rocket was trying to remain calm for Groot's sake, but he could feel the hair on the back of his neck standing up.
“No!” She snapped back her voice cut out, but there was a desperation present in her voice.
“That's it, I'm taking the flarking thing of myself!” Rocket jumped up and was on the move.
Groot grabbed him and set him right back down in the grass. “I am Groot.” Groot snapped this time, he gazed tiredly from Rocket to Agent 19.
“He says, he thinks it's time to take off the mask.” Rocket stated, resting his forearms on his knees.
“I'm not ready for this.” She stated, trying to compose herself.
“I am Groot...” Groot moved closer to sit next to her.
Rocket continued to translate what his friend was saying. “He says, hiding is what caused all these hurt feelings in the first place.”
“I am Groot.” Groot put his arm around her comfortingly.
“He said that if you reveal yourself, all of this will be resolved.” Rocket reheard himself and looked at Groot. “What the hell are you talking about buddy?”
“I can't take it off just yet, you don't understand.” Agent 19's heart was racing in her chest, she was on the verge of breaking down.
“I am Groot...” He said softly reaching up, putting his hands on either side of her helmet.
“He said that he's going to take off your helmet now, so get ready.” Rocket got up on his feet now that he was about to be rewarded for his patience, or lack there of.
Groot didn't wait for her to object or respond, he just lifted the helmet slowly off of her head. Agent 19 didn't put up a fight. Once the helmet was off, the glow around her grew brighter. It looked as if she'd fallen into a toxic waste dump in an animated movie. That was the main reason she'd hid her true self from him, because she felt it made her look like a freak. But Rocket knew it was something else that kept her from showing him. The choice however was no longer her's, she'd been firmly backed into a corner. Maybe Groot was right, maybe if she had been honest from the start everything would have gone better. Lie after lie had only made this whole situation worse. It was time to face the music. What's the worse that could happen? She asked herself. A lot, Rocket was a volatile person and dangerous. So unpredictable it was scary. The only reason she felt alright with this at all was because Groot was there. She believed that he would protect her if Rocket got too crazy, or violent.
Rocket stared daggers into Groot's hand, an inner voice telling him that his friend was stalling for some reason. The moment Groot pulled the helmet away and stepped back. Alicia's eyes met Rocket's. Everything seemed to melt away around them. The universe stopped just so they could share this moment alone together. Alicia saw a range of emotions wash over his face.
Rage came first, his eyes swelling with a fire. Then a realization washed over his face, leaving him weak in the knees. His mouth hung open in confusion as he was trying to speak, trying to rationalize with what his brain was seeing. He took a step forward, a single uneasy chuckle escaped his lips as the slowly went from a smile to a frown. Then he fell to his knees and broke down, both his hands covering his face. His voice coming out as wailing or more appropriately keening. His shoulders heaving with his sobs. Alicia didn't know what to do. Of all the things she imagined that would happen, this was the last thing she thought would happen.
Groot reached down his large hand and gave her a nudge. Alicia looked up at him and could see what Groot was trying to tell her. Alicia swallowed hard and pushed herself up from the ground running to Rocket's side. She knelt, her fingers dancing along his heaving back. Emotions washed over forcing her down, leaning over him. Covering him in her warmth. Alicia worked her arms across his chest and pulled him tight to her. It wasn't going to magically fix everything that had happened. But it was a start. Then something else unexpected happened, rocket took her hand and held it tightly to his chest.
Rocket Raccoon Book 2: More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same

Alright y'all. Here is the Chapter 5 to book 2 of my story, it will be another 13 chapters, which I will try to upload once a day until complete. I hope you're ready for the continuation. Again I'm not going to be writing much in the summaries, because of spoiler issues for the story. I hope you enjoy it, please comment and let me know what you liked or didn't like.

My first story can be found here.

If you wanna read this one on Fanfiction.net you can find it here.

Rocket Raccoon and Groot (c) Marvel
Art by Jailbird on FA you can find her here. https://www.furaffinity.net/user/jailbird
Picture Link: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/14420032/

raccoon 36,795, otter 35,910, sci-fi 4,734, marvel 1,589, galaxy 1,386, rocket 1,344, otters 794, raccoons 537, guardians 163, groot 130, blasters 46, prisons 14, knowhere 7
Type: Writing - Document
Published: 10 years, 6 months ago
Rating: Mature

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10 years, 6 months ago
About time they quit fucking around. ;-)

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