A new machine was brought to the headquarters(the all in 1 machine), and as always, Smiley trying to figure out what it was, now she has gotten into a big problems...especially her rear end!
***Second drawing is the picture taken by the electronic eye and was sent to the commander ! In other words, her bottom will be in more trouble!***
Guest character invited Smileh(adorable kitten) and belongs to the awesome artist
Hahaha oh dear. Poor Smiley got itself in trouble again I see o3o Always wanting to test out the new fancy things that come in. Very Smiley like XD Turned out totally cute c= Adorable little panic face XD Much oops, turn it off turn it off, turn it off D= XPXP Random fact Smiley is actually a girl by technical gender =o Qwuedeviv are rather androgynous ouo Anyway yes totally cute X3 Thanks for including my characterin a pic =D
Hahaha oh dear. Poor Smiley got itself in trouble again I see o3o Always wanting to test out the ne
Héhé I'm just wondering ... and I think this is the principal reason why some new ''owners' always get into trouble ... they don't read the user/owner manual of the darn machine LOL ... yeah it seem's they jump directly on remote control or the commanding panel without checking the instruction volume that come with it ... I'm not surprise this happen at all ... LOL
I know this wouldn't happen to me ... I always read my manuals when I have a new pc, TV, sound system ... whatever LOL and also I verify my garanties ... I hope that our li'l friend here did so ... Hahahaha
Héhé I'm just wondering ... and I think this is the principal reason why some new ''owners' always g