Angel and Annie sleeping is adorable. The family pic of them out enjoying the sun is nice. And I'm with their father, Finn, I want to know what happened to Elie.
Angel and Annie sleeping is adorable. The family pic of them out enjoying the sun is nice. And I'm w
i think it started in the beginning when Elie was found on the flour and got put to bed. wakes up in a "need". i think that whatever made her have that "need" ended with death.
i think it started in the beginning when Elie was found on the flour and got put to bed. wakes up in
Ah, okay. Yeah, it's probably a culture thing It's not really that weird, but it's pretty uncommon here in the Southern U.S. Usually when someone around here calls their Mom or Dad by name, they're pissed at them XD
Ah, okay. Yeah, it's probably a culture thing It's not really that weird, but it's pretty uncommon
I can understand the father's obsession with wanting to know why his wife died. When my wife died suddenly and unexpectedly, I needed badly to know the results of the autopsy, so I could understand what had taken her from me, and so I could know if it had any impact on our child's future health issues. If the normal medical examinations couldn't give me that answer, and if I had training like his, I definitely would have done all I could to investigate the cause of her death myself.
I can understand the father's obsession with wanting to know why his wife died. When my wife died su
I know how it was like. My grandmother died from cancer several years ago. v.v And to this day even, I still miss her. Last time I saw her, she looked like an angel. I'll never forget her, and I'll always love her.
I know how it was like. My grandmother died from cancer several years ago. v.v And to this day even,
y lo peor es el miedo en dar la curva equivocada y terminar en un callejon sin salida.. jajaja... de veras he hecho cambios argumentales a ultima hora, hasta el momento esta quedando bien ^^ pero el planeamiento es medio dificil :)
y lo peor es el miedo en dar la curva equivocada y terminar en un callejon sin salida.. jajaja... de
Jejeje no te preocupes si yo se es como... hmm cuando esgrimes una espada o escribes algo con pluma una vez hecho el acto es imposible borrarlo es decir ya no hay vuelta a tras o manera de arpentirse de lo hecho sabes porque le tengo cariño a esta historia porque desde que creaste la primera historia y el cascabel y eso senti hmm que algo mas habia detras de estos personajes ahora mirate sin ofender para nada has hilado una inmensa telaraña de hechos y personajes y solo tu puedes saber que como baila cada uno de los hilos por ejemplo yo nunca me imagine ver los dias pasados de Annie y Angel y mucho menos los desfortunios que han pasado es como un rompecabezas que poco a poco se va llenando cada pagina es una pieza pero tu no las pones en orden solo tu sabes que dimensones puede llegar a tener o que puede llegar a salir jejeje tal vez sueno ridiculo pero es como me vengo imaginando este comic.
Jejeje no te preocupes si yo se es como... hmm cuando esgrimes una espada o escribes algo con pluma
I,m really sitting here on my chair right now, and fight against my tears. I know oh so well, how it feel if you lost someone you loved really much... :,(
I,m really sitting here on my chair right now, and fight against my tears. I know oh so well, how it
Lastima que en las siguientes páginas no vaya a aparecer un dialogo como "eso hizo que Annie y yo pasaramos mucho de neustro tiempo juntos, creo que fue por ello que nos enamoramos... ¿nos enamoramos?"
Lastima que en las siguientes páginas no vaya a aparecer un dialogo como "eso hizo que Annie y yo pa