EDIT: Sorry for spamming you all with an update notice, missed that little checkbox:P
LilShock's pint-sized SCP-049 proxy has had a run in with a plague doctor/immortal from the game Coma: Mortuary who isn't really much into curing anything. Does like char-broiling people though, and lacking a current name was christened Doc McLargehuge in honor of an old MST3K episode. Seems Lil 049-L is a bit smitten with the big guy, while the Dr. isn't quite sure what the hell is going on. And no poker jokes or puns please (that means you, Iviv). They've already been done....more than once, ALL of them.
indeed i have that voice scares me if i ever heard that voice and saw some one walking towerds me id run like hell scaring out loud XD and yes i have there very cool
indeed i have that voice scares me if i ever heard that voice and saw some one walking towerds me id
Dr. Bright is not allowed to give 049-L to the immortals. Because he thinks it would be hot to watch is not a good reason. (we assume he means more then just the poker)
I love this to bits! Poor little -L XP Pretending she's shy! Thank you so much!
Dr. Bright is not allowed to give 049-L to the immortals. Because he thinks it would be hot to watch