Inner Skill :
Clairvoyance. Ibrahim have the power to see the invisible world. He can see the ghosts of the departed, fight them and see trough illusions. It’s not a battle skill but remain useful in his relic-hunting job. His is previous life he discovered his soothsaying inner skill.
Runic Cataclysm (Rünların Felaket / Katıglık-i Runiñ [كاتيكليك رونيڭ])
A combo of the physical elemental spells (Fire, earth, wind, water, thunder, ice). He summons earth pics which impale the foe then summon a whirlwind which rose and cut the foe before inflaming the tornado with a fire spell, then a geyser expel the fire tornado and catches the foe in the water which turn into an ice column before being shattered by a lighting.
Spiritual Megiddo (Ruhani Sihirlipatlama / Infilâk Ruhâni [اﻥﻔﻼق روهآني])
Loads holy and dark magic energy in his hands and gave a series of acrobatic hits hurting the foe’s body and soul then fuse the holy and dark energy in his hand into an orb which blast the foe in a magical deflagration.
Arcanic Quint’s seal (Sufinin Desten Mühürsı)
Magically, his cards/charms rush to the foe and cut it right through and shoot stellar laser to the foe too. Then the cards position themselves creating a mystical seal which appear under the foe and a column of astral energy blast the foe.
Background :
Ebrahim aka "İbrahim Hayrettinoğlu" , or rather Aydın Saltüğar is born 2100 years ago in one of the first tribe of Kleinian created by the gods and settling in the sandlandic region of Sinyalh. During centuries the tribes of the region formed an entity of mystics (Sufî), warriors (Yeniçer) and scholars (Alêm) clans called the Sinyalhî Clannish Federation/alliance (Sınyälhut kabilêy’e ait-ittifak / 𐱂𐰃𐰣𐰥𐰅𐰁𐰞𐰃𐰡:𐰚𐰀𐰊𐰃𐰠𐰄𐰅𐰄:𐰀𐱇:𐰃𐱃𐱅𐰃𐰟𐰀𐰴)
Unlike other kleinians Aydın wasn’t born with an inner skill. Fortunately he lived in a mystic-wise tribe and was authorised to learned the magic at after his rite of passage at the age of 16. But even prior this event he received an education from the clannish scholars (which had the school teachers role) like other cubs but was more gifted than his “classmates”. And passed the rite quicker than his fellows.
Having the motivation and capacity to learn magic he was welcomed by the Sufî cast as their disciple. However during his apprenticeship a sandlandic entity, called the Emirhan empire (Devlet-i Aliyye-i Emîrhanye or Emirhânı Devleti nowadays). The Sinyalhî were aware of this threat but they found that the neighbour and surrounding nations would stop the Emirhan… but they quickly fell under the power of the Emirhan, catching by surprise the Sinyalhî.
The Sinyalhî then defended themselves fiercely but end up annexed in the following year. No one know how it happened, for there is several version and sources relating the conflict. Anyway Sinyalhî was now a part of the very powerful Emirhan empire and the region renamed Qarakhstan (which is now named "Sinyalhîstan" after the region being reformed, but still a Emirhan empire’s territory/vassal nowadays) was an important territory whom the teaching are respected in the whole empire.
Finishing his formation, Aydın was chosen as others youngster to join the army and maybe the imperial court. But Aydın refused and decided instead to travel in the worlds to learn more spells and free his region from the Empire’s hold. But times passed and more he became old and gaining magic more Aydın got how futile is crusade was now that everyone was accustomed to the Emirhanian culture and government.
Now an middle-aged cat, Aydın returned to his homeland and became the new Baş’sufî (Head-mystic). Sharing his knowledge with his disciples. And was now known as Effendi Aydin Ṣaltı̊qar-i Emîrhaniye (Lord Aydin Saltugar of the Emiran), a very respected social status.
He remained in his tribe and perfect his mystic art when one night he had a vision of the future. Shocked, he discovered his inner skill, the soothsaying, and learned to master it to have clearer vision of the future, and more he mediated more he understand the purpose of this vision : In a distant future a world-wide threat will appear and must be defeated or the world will end.
Aydin immediately thought that it’s his role to stop this threat, that was the purpose of his vision : he was a chosen one. On this idea he spend the rest of his life to study metempsychosis and used a transmigration spell on himself when he felt his life was about to end at the age of 115.
His soul been reincarnate thousands of years later in the womb of Safiye, the spouse of Khaireddin ben Mehmet ad-Şemshyr head of a mystic order and cult called “Al-dervişlerim”. This occult group was rejecting the society and the governments, focusing on magic instead of inner skills.
Aydin succeeded to reincarnate… but what he didn’t foreseen is that while reincarning his memories, knowledge and powers were somewhat sealed.
So, when he born again, Aydin started a new life as Ebrahim Hasân ad-Şemshyr, son of Khaireddin.
Ebrahim been raised in a monastic-like atmosphere, disciplinary and full of magic, with limited interaction with society. But he never lacked of anything, despite is hermit lifestyle. And was relatively sociable unlike what some could think. He's also well-educated and never lack of love from his parents.
Due to his position, he had access to magic and spells that his parents told him since he was old enough. Ebrahim was diligent and quickly mastered the base… unaware that Aydin’s memories were boosting him. Cartomancy was his art of predilection. But if mysticism is the key field of the Al-dervişlerim, they also were adventurer looking for mystical relics and magical artifacts.
And like for magic, Ebrahim was quite skilled at this too… especially thanks to his clairvoyance, is inner skill, allowing him to be very efficient in relic-hunt and had fun with this activity –even if it's a bit illegal-. His parents were very proud of him and when he was 16, they allowed him to join the international guild of relic-hunting. Guild whom he became an active and trusted member. Even if using a false name and hiding his link with the Al-dervişlerim
With this new field of activity, Ebrahim could have fun but also travel and finally taste to freedom, something he always wanted to live. Unaware however that one day Aydin’s memories will break the seal and that he will have access to every spells of the old mystic.
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10 years, 8 months ago
04 Jul 2014 16:37 CEST
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