I've decided to give diapers a shot, it's always held a certain fascination with me. I was floored by how prevalent the diaper thing is in furry. Apparently it's a much more common fetish than I ever would have thought. I can't say I enjoy most of what's out there though, but it did get my attention.
This is Brettworth. Don't let his pudgy physique fool you, he's 14 and stands 5 feet 6 inches tall. He's very shy, which has made him prone to anxiety most of his life. His anxiety leads to frequent bed wetting. He comes from an abusive home, not physical, but mental and emotional. He has horrible parents, the type who should never have been parents. Brettworth's shyness frustrated his parents and made them angry. They yelled at and shamed him a lot, and it only got worse when he wet the bed. Their solution was to put a plastic liner over his sheets and make him sleep on top of it. At the worst of times, Brettworth woke up in a puddle of his own pee. He spent most of his childhood deeply withdrawn, too embarrassed and afraid to make friends.
Early one summer, he was 'rescued' by his Great Aunt Luna, his father's aunt. She knew what that side of the family was like, short tempered and mean. She suspected Brettworth's life probably wasn't good, and had him removed from his parents' custody and placed in her's. The single 85-year-old badger was his savior. Brettworth basked in a new life of goodness and love. Aunt Luna was wonderful and he clung to her continuously that entire summer. Wonderful as she was, Luna was 3 generations removed from Brettworth and she looked forward to him meeting kids his age. It wasn't right for him to be hanging around an old badger-lady all the time.
Brettworth had pushed the inevitable to the back of his mind until it pushed back. It was now September, and a new school year at a new school was only days away. With the prospect of having to face other kids, especially his teenage peers, the anxiety returned, and so did the bed wetting. All the feelings of shame he left behind came back when he woke up to wet pajamas and wet sheets. Aunt Luna came in to check on him like she did every morning, Brettworth was curled up in a ball in the corner. Would the yelling and accusations of shame and worthlessness be thrust upon him again? No, Aunt Luna comforted him with love and understanding. She understood his anxiety, and while he was in the shower cleaning himself up, she left the solution on his bed.
Brettworth returned to his room and found a 'gift' on his newly made bed of clean sheets. In front of him lay a male's diaper in his size. He was actually going to sleep in diapers. It was horrifying, but completely logical. He and Aunt Luna knew that with tomorrow being the first day of a new school, he would probably wet the bed again. Only now, he didn't have to worry about soiling his pajamas or the sheets, he would be kept dry.
That night, with a little help from his aunt, Brettworth put his diaper on. He was full of a confusion of feelings. Love and security, but shame and embarrassment. He felt so childish, his pajama bottoms didn't fit around it, so he would have to sleep in just his pajama shirt and the diaper. Brettworth thought to himself, "Badgers are supposed to be tough. We play contact sports like hockey, my ancestors were warriors who ran across hillsides wielding axes and shields. We're not supposed to wear diapers and pee in our beds." These were among the many thoughts going through his mind. He drifted to sleep, and slept well knowing any accident he had would be safely caught by the blessing and curse he was wearing. It's a good thing he was wearing it too.
Brettworth's secret is safe with his Great Aunt Luna. After a few days, his new primary school started to become less scary. Other kids even started talking to him. One was a friendly female beaver named Shemain who lived a few houses away from him. Brettworth let her into his life ever so slowly, and eventually learned of her older boyfriend, a weasel named Kitchy who was in college and had lots of cool friends he should meet.
Should Brettworth take the plunge?? Or should he withdraw back to the safety of Great Aunt Luna??
10 years, 9 months ago
01 Jun 2014 22:24 CEST
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