Since somebody asked me earlier to send him a copy of my custom Sonic Winamp skin I made long ago (this skin is like 10 years old and it has a special place in my heart, I always use it) I decided to share it with everyone who'd like to download it!
How to use: 1- Download Sonic Adventure 2- Go to 'Program Files' > 'Winamp' > 'Skins' 3- Paste 'Sonic Adventure' inside 'Skins' 4- Start Winamp and right click anywhere on it, a menu will appear 5- Go to 'Skins' and select 'Sonic Adventure 2' 6- Listen to your favorite music (Important) :p
All Sonic characters are copyright to SEGA and Sonicteam!!
Winamp is a good audio program that runs and converts music from/to any format (even video game formats like Wii and NDS audio files) on the fly plus it's small in size and user friendly, of course now you have many substitutes but back in the late 90s and early 2000s it was the shits and many people like me still use it!
Winamp is a good audio program that runs and converts music from/to any format (even video game form