I don't usually do a lot of collaborations. Not that I don't want to. It's just that I usually 'feel' like I have a lot on my plate with comishes + real life issues + junk. But when I saw this picture by SmudgeProof, I thougt it was really lovely. I asked both the artist and commissioner for permission to splatter some paint on this and they both said it was fine :) So this is the first 'pass' of my crazy process. I hope to make it really shiny and reflective. Since I haven't looked it for a couple of hours now...it looks kinda over saturated. But that's easy to fix. I really dig that super happy grin of her's. Being messy is so much fun :D Go have a look and fave the original, it's most excellent! And thanks again to
Oooohhh made me remind of an anime ''The Tar Baby'' of Disney ... it's an episode from the Brer Rabbit Melodie of the South ... Héhé you were inspired that day or maybe you we're having a craving for mulberry jam X) ... Nice effect ... it's shiny and I suspect that I could get easily stuck
Oooohhh made me remind of an anime ''The Tar Baby'' of Disney ... it's an episode from the Brer Rabb