Yup the Liger's gone and made yet another new alien species. As always with new species there'll be a codex entry on the species and then info on the character specifically.
The Valten are a genetically engineered species created by the late Varkel. The Varkel engineered them to be servants and to do jobs considered too dangerous or mundane for themselves. Valten are by design biologically simple and have sometimes been described as "off brand" humanoids. Their vision, hearing, and smell all fall within the typical range for most humanoids. They also have minimal redundant systems meaning that should an organ falter it becomes an enormous problem. However this is a rare occurrence given they were designed simply so that relatively little could go wrong with them. Their dietary requirements are simple as well. Lacking any kind of teeth originally, they have since gained teeth analogues, they ate an algae or protein past. As far as appearance goes they are fairly similar having all come from barely distinct gentic stock. Even their monogender nature was engineered for a further degree of control. To the eye of a normal species all would appear devoid of gender save for what most would consider a male member. The Valten are not body breeders. Instead two inseminate a reproductive recpticle where the reproductive cells bond and grow. This means they are largely incapable of reproducing naturally. This along with an utter lack of various instincts means they were ill equipped to survive on their own once their masters in a civil war lost to time unleashed a bioweapon that swept through the Varkel population. Planet side Valten died of exposure mostly and predation. Ship board Valten however were bred to maintain the mundane workings of the vessels on which they served. This skill along with the ships being relatively safe environments free of illness or hungry predators afforded them the time they needed to adapt and it is from these ship board Valten that those we know today arose.
Valten of today have progressed far indeed. Going from simply understanding that replacing something made it work to understanding why something worked as it did. To go from being able to read only a few words to learning the entire written language of the Varkel, their modern language both written and spoken is a permutation on the Varkel Language. They have gained quite the mastery of ship technologies and technology in general and have proven to be fast learners. Their skill means some of their ships are ancient Varkel vessels. Many more of their vessels though were salvaged wrecks. The pride of their fleet is the Star Glider. This vessel is from a long forgotten race now only remembered for the bits of technology left behind. The Star Glider is fast, deadly, and large and powered by a small artificial star that will likely still power the ship a billion years from now. It's no surprise this ship is the seat of the Valten King. Elected by the Grand Council he is the face of the Valten and carries great weight in power though this is balanced out by the Council itself. On a societal level they are a curious lot though most prefer learning from afar. Valten become uncomfortable planet side as they are unused to it and most have some degree of agoraphobia. The fear of wide open spaces. Ironic given that outside the cozy hull of their ships lays the vast empty void of space which they seem to draw comfort from. Their name means "Of the Void" Beyond that they also have difficulty with outsiders who often times find it difficult to distinguish one Valten from another. The differences between any two are subtle. Realizing this most Valten dress distinctively with a certain style. This allows outsiders to more easily identify who is who. Valten can be a common sight on many large space stations as their skills can make them quite valued staff. As well some set up their own communities on stations of other species to act as a point of commerce between their fleet and other species.
Rynel walked down the halls of the Human station getting a feel for it's layout. He and his parents hadn't been on the station long. Maybe a week. He'd spent most of that time helping them set up shop as it were. They did various repair work and custom jobs for bots and shuttle modifications. There were a few Valten families all pooling for the shop. Nobody else Rynel's age though. Most of them were much younger than him. So far Rynel hadn't really gotten to know any of the humans his age. He worried a bit. He'd been researching human culture and customs and wondered how well some of them would take to his absorbent undergarment. The lingering effect of a childhood illness from the one time he'd ever been planet side. It wasn't too big a deal among his own. That sort of garment was typical for those spending a lot of time in EVA. But the garment was considered infantile by humans usually. After a short while Rynel stopped and looked around and gave a sigh realizing he'd gotten lost and to add to that he felt his diaper growing warm. Just then a human his age rounded the corner nearly bumping into him.
"Oh sorry about that." The boy said with a light laugh.
"That's Ok. Say could you tell me how to get back to the commerce section? I've been trying to get familiar with the station and kinda got turned around." Rynel told him with a bit of a blush.
"Sure no problem. The inner sections like this are a bit harder to navigate than the exterior stuff with windows and less halls and stuff. Come on I'll lead the way." The boy said gesturing down the hall with a smile.
"Thanks a lot I really appreciate it. My name's Rynel." He told the boy as they walked down the hall.
"Mine's Andy. Nice to meet ya." Andy grinned as they walked and continued to talk. Rynel found himself enjoying the conversation and hoped that maybe he'd made his first lasing friend aboard the station.
Well hope you guys liked the pic and the lil story and info stuff. ^^
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