All men are lied to from birth; When the society of laws decides their worth. They are told they can go far- By playing fair, and staying par. But what man dictates what is Par for me; When I choose the laws of Anarchy?
Bad men prosper at the money game; When good men suffer to fill their gain. Their words are true because of pockets lined; With greed's plunder of honest man's finds. I say we nay to this world of grey- I say my say is the right of way- For no gold or gilded bill; shall save your blood from the spill; when the masses raise with sword and steel on that final judgement day.
The blood of the oppressed will not rest; while the privilege few go without tried life's test. let men and beast be one in their fight; Let the fires burn with righteous passion throughout the night; The wicked will Parrish and the true will take glee; in the judsious Fields of Anarchy.
There will be a reckoning of blood and fire Which all men of all class shall sire. I'll be there to rend and tear- All those who thrive from despair, And Lead the charge and light the beacon for all to see; The eternal Clouds of Anarchy. -poem by Talon2point0
Kai brings with him chaos. Normally, it's as harmless as the flame of a candle, but all it takes is a spark to set the fire... ___________________________________________
Some pretty epic art of Kai. He does look pretty sinister. I feel like people see him as a villain... well, maybe he is. It doesn't matter, Kai is who he is. He don't care about you. >=L (Lol) Art by mimic-moonrat Poem by me.