Kai: So, Ryu, your a swordmaster like me huh? Ryu: I suppose you could call me that. Kai: then how about a friendly duel? I'd love to see your skill for myself. Ryu: I don't think that's wise, knowing you this isn't just going to be a "friendly" duel. Kai: I promise to control myself!... If I need to... Besides, you need to practice to become better right? What better way then to train with someone at the same level? Ryu: ...Alright Kai, I admit I'm curious what your swordsmanship has to say about you. You should prepare yourself though, and don't expect me to hold back! Kai: Don't worry, never intended to either. ________________________________ Kai and Ryu are very similar, and yet complete opposites. They both have enchanted swords , a hand-and-a-half in terms of length, which only they can use. They both use augmented sights to help them in battle, and their style is freeform and everchanging, usually mimicking their opponents style to better theirs.
On the other hand, Ryu's half Angle while Kai's got the body of a demon. Also, Kai uses elemental fire while Ryu is a water dragon.
It's gonna be a close match, but it will lead to a friendship no one could of predicted. You don't know a man till you have met him on the edge of a sword....