Walking and talking on the cell phone near a pool, not really good. But hey, she seems kinda happy that she doesn't have to deal with whoever was on the line anymore
Walking and talking on the cell phone near a pool, not really good. But hey, she seems kinda happy t
is not like i show too much events, you can always read the previous pages again ( i think people can read the whole comic, all the pages from all the chapters ..in less than half hour).. but also there's some things that are not explained yet... becouse well. is a comic on development/progress ^^
is not like i show too much events, you can always read the previous pages again ( i think people ca
these are drawings of furries so some logic and physical stuff are ignored, believe me it will be weirder if i draw her with a phone on the top of he head...heh..
these are drawings of furries so some logic and physical stuff are ignored, believe me it will be we
it doesn't look good my friend, look at her arms, are not even that long to reach the top of her head.. she can reach her ears but the arm will look too straight.. it's a design problem i guess.. i think it looks better like this
it doesn't look good my friend, look at her arms, are not even that long to reach the top of her h
A couple of friends who used to work at a call center heard strange things on how people broke or lost there phone. Water, toilet, leaving it on a bus and others that I can't remember at the moment. They blamed the call center for there own stupidity and tried suing the company because of it. Even when the center called to get a billed paid they said Bob wasn't here even if bob was talking and hang up right after.
A couple of friends who used to work at a call center heard strange things on how people broke or lo