Here's something I just whipped up. Hopefully it will make it easier for new users how to properly upload submissions to Inkbunny. Let me know what you think. =3
I'm not sure how useful this is though. New users won't find this submission easily, and I actually think the upload process is pretty straight forward. It doesn't hurt having this handy for users who struggle though. :3
Sweet effort :O I'm not sure how useful this is though. New users won't find this submission easily
Well I've linked to it through the Wiki so it should be easy for people to find that way. =3 Anything I should add/remove? I think I spent a total of 30 minutes making this because I just thought it would be nice to have a little guide like that. ^_^;
Well I've linked to it through the Wiki so it should be easy for people to find that way. =3 Anythin