Just a quick edit I showed to AkiWeirdo and she said she liked it. =3 I really like the original lots better but I wanted a "clean" version to post so people who block mature/adult cub stuff won't miss out on the cuteness. =D
I really tried to match the line color and style, but her style is quite unique so it's very hard for a non-artist to match. =p Hopefully I did a good enough job. ^_^; I figured some undies was a better censor than black bars/boxes over the bits. =O
Should I try posting this on FA? Or is that just inviting problems? =x
Nah I get what you guys are saying. =3 This makes me think about a lot of things all of a sudden. Like why people are embarrassed being naked in front of others, or maybe they're taught to be ashamed! =x Hopefully not the case.. but why are we embarrassed? =O I always think of a nudist colony and wonder if anyone there is ever embarrassed being nude in front of others. Perhaps it's easier to be nude in front of others rather than those you know, like or have feelings for? =O Most of us have nothing to be embarrassed about! The media bombards us with ideas on what they think we should look like rather than just looking ourselves, looking normal. Those with blemish free bodies are a tiny, tiny, tiny minority yet they're the standard we're put to? Perhaps if they started using non-skinny models for things then people will start thinking their bodies aren't 'bad' or 'wrong'. They won't get this idea that they need to be super thin, or have a certain face structure, or whatever. We live in a diverse world, it's okay to be different. =3 </rambling>
Nah I get what you guys are saying. =3 This makes me think about a lot of things all of a sudden. Li