Character Sheet for Nym
Character Description
As a Symbol of friendship the (Rabbit Clan) send their young into the galaxy for two years. Half a year in her journey she snuk aboard the Echo in hopes to make it home before the crew noticed her. I did not work. she is now more or less a permanent member of the Echo crew.
Likes 20th Century American Comics. Likes the colors and history, Stories of gods and demons that resemble those of her past. Picked up reading them when she was in a Neutral ER, has had a taste for them since.
Happy Bubbly but extremely accident prone.
Always looking to try new things. She is always wanting to learn.
20th century American Comics
Reading Comics
The Color Red
The child of an affluent family she was cast out to roam all of space until she can prove she has learned enough to come home.
F-Name - Nym Gender - Female Age - 15 - 10/18
Hight - 4'8 Weight - 95 lbs Build - Athletic
Hair-L - Waist Tail-L - 3" Race - Rabbit
Hair-C - b388cf Eye-C - 891ecf Skin - Pink
Main-C - e2e0ff Under-C - Tan Tail-C -
Fingers - 3 + T Toes - 3
Distinguishing Marks - Black/Brown mark on left eye
How did they get there? - Birth mark
Style - Vest Material - Leather, Kevlar, Carbon Fiber Ribs
Style - Suspenders Material - Spider Silk & Cotton
Style - Shirt Material - Cotton
Style - Skirt Material - Cotton, Spider Skill
Style - Sandles Material - Lightly Reinforced Foam Polimer
Accessories - Pink Bandana on left ear, Red Bandana Hair Tie, Thin Glasses
Weapons - Carbon Fiber Walking Pole