Practising something before making the one i want.
there are some maverick pixels with alpha = 0 around there but nothing you can notice unless you delete the alpha channel. Did my best to erase them but meh the last are too much work and Gimp didnt want to help. Already fixed it.
Anyway, i think this one ended up better than the one by Degas. At least i can clop to this.
Yes, it was just because of my lack of expertize. The problem was those transparent pixels werent black. So when you deleted the alpha channel they went back to whatever colour they were. The eraser tool doesnt "delete" the pixels, it just sets them to alpha = 0. (it took me a while to figure it out) If you anti-erase them they go to alpha = 255 which would allow you to see the problems i was having. You fix it selecting everything around your drawing and then going layer by layer filling it with black (#000000) and then hitting delete to clear the selection (which again sets it back to alpha = 0). Just did it and now they are gone. Not that it's noticeable, but anyways, i'm leaving the clean one here just in case.
Yes, it was just because of my lack of expertize. The problem was those transparent pixels werent bl