This takes place, storyline-wise, a few days after the events that transpire in the following songs that are all done by me.
- Dipper comes home very upset from having a series of bad events all fall back to back, which includes the news of Bobby moving away. Stargazer does his best to cheer him up.
- Stargazer makes a second attempt at comforting Dipper after my move.
- In an attempt to cheer Dipper up, Stargazer tells Dipper he'll get him something special for Christmas. There's one rather curious thing Dipper wants.
- Days later, while walking home, Dipper and Stargazer are talking about the fact that Dipper 'has this Christmas thing all figured out', and intends to tell the whole world what he's learned. When he comes across a squirrel who is down about never being visited by Santa, though, Dipper's attitude about the situation changes.
- Dipper receives a letter from Bobby after he moved away. The letter containing the lyrics to a new version of 'The Twelve Days of Christmas'. Dipper's eagerness in getting it, though, leads to a mistake he makes in the song.
- Depressed over all that's happened, Dipper goes for a walk. In his sadness, he starts singing this, ending up being found by the same squirrel he met before, who cheers him right back up again.
Days after these events pass, Bobby is home again. He and Dipper started putting the Christmas decorations away together, then he sees the letter Dipper wrote with the lyrics. Reminded of the fact that Dipper's uncle told him how Dipper made the mistake with the lyrics the first time though, Bobby was not too happy...