You can definitely do that! X3 There was this cub artist on here for awhile. They were one of the first people I watched. I wish I could remember their username, but they drew the coolest cub art. All I really remember was they drew straight teeth, and they drew their character with its dad a lot.
You can definitely do that! X3 There was this cub artist on here for awhile. They were one of the fi
Sadly no... Their art looked kind of like Aogami's mixed with this dude's But the teeth were really straight. I mean I can't describe it, but they were just really straight. O3O I mean it didn't curve with the jaw at all. XD At least that's what my memory serves... They drew a lot of pics of a loli fox (could have been a cat) having sex with her dad, his friends (even though you never saw their faces) or younger cubs. At least that's what they drew a lot of at the time I was watching them.
Sadly no... Their art looked kind of like Aogami's mixed with this dude's https://b0rn-t0-die.devian