Happy Halloween! This year I got to the store only a day before Halloween to buy pumpkins for making Jack-o-Lanterns, and of course, all the stores were pretty much sold out on decent pumpkins. I got one passable normal pumpkin for my daughter, and settled on a small 'pie pumpkin' for myself. This pumpkin is only about 6 inches in diameter, so I decided to use it to make a mouse pumpkin - a 'Mousekin'. *grins*
Halloween itself was fun, but being on a Thursday and a school night, we had a pretty poor turnout of trick or treat kids. Gave away less than a third of a grocery sack full of candy, at two 'fun-size' items per kid. We completely blacked out the entry hallway, covering walls, floor and ceiling with black cloth, and I sat in the entry with the door open, in a mostly black outfit with some silver trim, and a leering skull mask. About a quarter of the kids were too scared to come and get their candy! My wife dressed as a gypsy witch and my daughter as a zombie (wearing a 'Zombie Hunters' shirt, ironically). But what really freaked out most of the kids was that blackout effect. What was just past the door frame was way too dark to be normal in any home. *grins*
11 years, 2 months ago
01 Nov 2013 03:40 CET
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