Ok I got into a bit of a Poke' mood and dug out my old DS and played a lil FireRed. And well Ig got a bit of an idea for a new Pokefur or two. So here we have a Wartortle. ^^
Robby sighed wiping sweat from his brow as he walked into the locker room. He'd been training at the gym today for the Junior League Arena and was doing well. He was getting faster on his feet and his Water Gun and Bubble attacks were getting better too. Today he'd been sparing with a Cubone friend named Haden who despite being timid was getting better too, but well after a while Robby had decided to call it quits for the day. Having just filled the seat of his diaper he didn't want to linger long and risk anyone noticing the smell. So he made his way to the locker room and got out of his training gear and got his by now quite soaked and soiled diaper changed. he was just about to slip is shorts back on when Haden rounded the corner and stopped dead in his tracks. Robby noticed the face and tried to put on a smile as to not make a huge deal out of this.
"H-Hey Haden... I can explain." Robby started but his smile wavered and his gut knotted. "Please don't tell anyone."
"I...You...Me...Wow." Was all Haden managed to stammer at first getting a puzzled look from the Wartortle who wished the skull Haden wore didn't cover up so much of his face. "I won't tell. I promise. I um... well see I um..." Haden trailed off again and got some of his own gear undone and lowered the pants a little revealing a diaper.
"You too? Wow I thought I was the only one here at the gym. Phew." Robby said wiping the sweat from his forehead while he got his shorts on.
"Same here. Guess I won't h-have to worry so much about it showing in our sparring sessions." Haden said lowering his head and the look in his eyes told Robby that the Cubone was blushing.
"Uh Huh...Well I bet you probably need a change so um I'll give ya some privacy but um...well...If you want a had sometime j-just ask." Robby told Haden blushing again a lil as he got his t-shirt on.
"S-sure I'd like that...just um... next time." Haden nodded with a blush of his own as he walked to his locker.
"Hey Wanna go do something? I dunno maybe we could play some video games at my place?" Robby offered as Haden grabbed his bag.
"Alright that sounds like fun. Just let me get changed and I'll call dad to tell him." Haden smiled voice perking up.
"OK. I'll wait for ya outside the locker room." Roby said putting his used diaper in a ziplock bag in his back pack and zipped it up before sliding it over one shoulder where it hung off to the side of his shell as he walked out of the room. It was nice that at least there was one person he didn't have to hide this from and well just maybe there had been the slightest of crushes on the cute timid Cubone that now weren't quite as fantasy as Robby had thought.
Well hope you guys liked the pic and the lil story. ^^
diaper change
11 years, 6 months ago
12 Sep 2013 00:23 CEST
Initial: bb84625050516f6b9d9eecc91df6ade2
Full Size: bb84625050516f6b9d9eecc91df6ade2
Large: 733e1ea1f52c18d92bf19738fb6d2878
Small: 10dab3aacd5d6640affdc75d726430d7
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