Alex ran to her dorm room and locked the door behind her before jumping on her bed and covering her head with a pillow. She couldn’t believe what she had done. This was so out of the ordinary for her. She wished she knew what made her do it so that she could never do anything like it again. With time still clicking on the clock, she knew that she was skipping her next class, but she couldn’t care less about that fact. She just had to avoid seeing anyone.
A few hours later, the dorm opened up, and Sharon came inside with a slight mischevious smile on her face. “So Alex, I heard a bit of news about you today.” Normally Alex didn’t mind her roommate, but today, for some reason, just the sight of her seemed a bit annoying. Her body was almost the same figure as those dolls everyone had when they were little. Perfect shape and plenty of curves that could draw attention from halfway across the school. It made Alex feel like she was a second class girl. Like she could only get real attention by doing something so out there that she felt ashamed of herself afterward.
Sharon sat down next to Alex on the bed. Her dark pink fur almost jumping into view as she took the pillow and put it on the floor. “Now Alex, listen. You did something impulsive. Nothing wrong with that. The dorm mother said you can take a few days off and stay in our room if you want, but my advice is to just get back to class and hold your head up high.” For a moment, Alex started to think that maybe Sharon knew what she was talking about, since she sounded so confident. Sharons big green eyes looked into her own, and she started to feel a little better as the rabbits mouth opened up again. “Heck, now you are just as talked about as me. I say we should start dating, or at least faking it so we can get a ton out of these guys. I swear, one kiss and they will buy us a car, or an entire wardrobe just to see us holding hands.”
Alex threw one of her stuffed animals at Sharon. Her eyes welling up with tears, telling the rabbit that was enough teasing for today. Sharon moved closer on the bed and pulled Alex in close. Stroking her hair a bit. At first, Alex pulled back, but she ended up resting her head upon the welcoming chest.
The next couple of days, Alex stayed in the dorm, only leaving to the cafeteria for meals. Every day she was informed about any rumors or gossip about her by Sharon, along with anything from her mailbox. It was usually just her mail for the day, but after a few days, there was a somewhat bulging envelope addressed to Alex. When Alex was handed the envelope, she didn’t think anything of it and just opened it up. She was finally feeling like she might be ready to go back to class the next day. Then the pair of panties fell out of it and a letter for her was visible. Sharon noticed this and leaned in, “Is that what I think it is?”
Confused, Alex picked up the panties and then recognized them as the pair she had worn the day she flashed the class. Only then did it register that she had taken them off, and she had forgotten them in her teacher's office, that same day! Flushed and a bit reluctantly, she told Sharon about what had happened in the office. She carefully omitted that the pictures she was enjoying herself to were of the teacher who had sent her to the office. After sharing the story, Alex picked up the letter and looked at it. It was short and simple. “Alex, you left these behind. Meet me in my office this Saturday.”
Tossing the letter and panties aside, Alex went over to Sharon with tears forming in her eyes. She was starting to panic and fear the worst. She just didn’t know what to do. She spent the rest of the day held by Sharon, until she finally fell sleep.
Glad you liked it and waited for it. I guess with the last three parts feels might not have seemed the next step, but I hope I managed the feels alright.
Glad you liked it and waited for it. I guess with the last three parts feels might not have seemed t
Awwww... So much feelings, they make me cry~ TwT *hugs Alex and comforts her in a warm snuggles* Good story and lovely picture! But i've always standed poorly against girl's tears.. >w>
Also, Sharon have a pretty big and comfy chest to lean and cry on~! ^////^
Awwww... So much feelings, they make me cry~ TwT *hugs Alex and comforts her in a warm snuggles* Goo