Diapered Housepets: Grape
It was 2 in the afternoon in the development of Babylon Gardens. The sun was shining and many assortments of pets were playing outside, except for Grape and Peanut who decided to stay inside. Grape was sitting on the couch reading her book as Peanut was in the living room playing video games. As she finished reading a chapter Grape stopped to tug and scratch at the diaper she was wearing, mumbling "Stupid human law" under her breath before continuing her book.
It has been 2 weeks since the City counsel had passed a law that forbid all pets from using the lawn to do their business on. The only reason the counsel could give for passing this law was, as they put it, was "An effort to curve public pollution". As stated in the law all pets had to wear disposable diapers to keep from "going" outside. The worst part about it was the law was all pets had to wear diapers, regardless if they were inside or not.
Grape remembered when her parents first brought up the issue of her and Peanut having to wear diapers even inside the house. At first she was very stern about not wanting to wear them, even yelling and clawing at her parents when they approached her with a diaper. But when her dad threatened to take away her Prideland books she reluctantly put one on. Grape sighed as she remembered the day when she found out what a diaper was; her and her mother had gone on a day trip to see her aunt and her 2 year old son Tommy. She was on the floor with Tommy while her aunt and her mom talked, that’s when she caught the smell of something foul. "Mommy I poopy" he said as Grape's aunt came over to them and scooped him up. Not knowing where her playmate was going she followed the both of them to Tommys room as her aunt was placing him on a weird type of table.
"Hey there Grape, would you like to help me change Tommy's diaper?" she said. Not knowing what a diaper was Grape nodded and grabbed the nearby stool and pulled it over to where her aunt and Tommy was and that awful smell. Grape climbed up the stool to where she could see Tommy lying on his back and only wearing an odd white thing on his lower half. "Ok Grape, after I remove Tommy's diaper I need you to throw it away in his diaper pail over there" her aunt pointed to the white container located next to the table. She nodded as her aunt stated to pull these straps that were on the side of the white thing and then "EWWW" Grape shouted as the awful smell now became worse. Grape then and there realized the smell was coming from Tommy and the white thing around him. Looking again Grape saw her aunt removing the white thing from Tommy and she saw…she saw……. Grape shuddered at the thought of what she saw, not wanted to even think about it. As Grape held her nose she just watched as her Aunt cleaned up the substance that was on Tommy. "Here Grape take care of his diaper" her aunt said as she handed her the disgusting thing". Keeping a paw on her nose she took the diaper and held it at arms length with the tips of her paws barely holding onto it. With almost lightning speed Grape threw the diaper away and ran out of the room, gasping for fresh air trying her best not to throw up.
Grape's thinking was interrupted however when she caught the scent of the same fowl odor coming from the living room. "EWW, Peanut is that smell coming from you" Grape yelled to Peanut to which he innocently replied "No". "MOM PEANUT MESSED HIS DIAPER" Grape yelled to her mother to let her know Peanut needed to be changed. Grape couldn't believe that Peanut had actually started using his diapers like her cousin Tommy, especially when her parents told them they could still use the bathroom as long as they kept their diapers on in the house. Whenever Grape had asked Peanut why he used his diaper, he always said it was so he didn't have to keep getting up from playing to use the bathroom.
Grape decided she needed a glass of water to so she got up off the couch just in time to see her mom holding Peanuts paw as they walked up the stairs to her and Peanuts new "nursery" as they called it; complete with changing table, diapers, and a diaper pail. Grape caught a glimpse at the back of Peanuts diaper and saw it was stained brown slightly. Grape just gagged a little as she walked to the kitchen. "A glass of water is all I need" she said as she walked to the cabinet with the cups.
Upon opening the cabinet, Grape was greeted with the site of 2 mice in it. With her cat instincts she quickly snatched up one of the mice as the other one ran. "I thought I told you mice before to never come around here again" Grape said as she licked her lips like she was hungry "Ppht save your breath kitten I'm not scared of a little kitten who has to wear human baby diapers, I bet you don't even know how to use the litter box anymore". Within seconds Grape became furious at the mouse, how dare he insult her like that. She had always been able to keep the mice from entering her home by pure intimidation but now things were out of control.
Simply eating the mouse wouldn't solve the problem, what she needed was a new way to scare the rodents. "There you go Peanut, no more stinky bum" she heard her mom say as the door to the nursery opened and the thumps of Peanut running down the stairs were heard. Suddenly Grape came up with a solution to her problem as she and the mouse she was carrying went up the stairs. "Where are you going sweetie, did you need a change to" her mom said as she ran into them on the stairs. Before her mom got a good look at Grape, she took the mouse and dropped him in the front of her diaper so her mom wouldn't see what she had and ruin her plan "No mom" she said and blushed "I just needed to go to my room to get something" Grape said as she continued onto her room and locked the door.
Grape was greeted with the smell of Peanuts recent diaper change upon entering the room, almost making her gag. It took everything she had to keep herself from gagging as to show she wasn't affected by the smell. Grape reached into the front of the diaper and pulled out the mouse who was squirming near her nether region."PEE YOU kitten I only thought your breath smelt like fish" the mouse said. All Grape did was grinned at the mouse as she walked towards Peanut's diaper pail "Well if thought that stunk wait until you get a whiff of this" Grape said as she proceeded to open the lid of the diaper pail. Almost instantly the mouse held both his paws on his nose "EWW what's that smell" he said to which Grape responded "Your new home".
Grape took the mouse by his tail and dangled him over the open hole of the diaper pail. The mouse, now with a look of horror on his face, got an up close look at a weeks worth of Peanuts used diapers. "H…Hey I was just joking about that whole kitten thing, a....an….and I was just teasing about the fish comment" the mouse said with a fearful tone in his voice to which Grape responded by lifting him down into the pail and holding onto him by only the tip of his tail. "PLEASE PLEASE IS THERE ANY WAY WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS " The mouse yelled now completely terrified "Hmmm nope" Grape said as she let go if the mouse, sending him falling into the pail until he landed with a SQUISH on top of Peanut's messy diaper.
Now satisfied with revenge Grape closed the lid on the diaper pail as she leaned up against the wall. 'A minute in there should teach him some manors ' Grape thought to herself as she sniffed the air. 'You know what, the smell isn't as bad once you get used to it' Grape thought to herself while in the background the mouse pleaded and banged against the side of the diaper pail. For some odd reason Grape had the odd idea of wetting and messing her diaper just like Peanut.
Blushing slightly Grape just shook her head and proceeded to open the pail back up and pull the mouse out "YUCK, I might smell like fish but at least I don't smell like poopy diaper" she said to the shaking mouse. "Now are we going to have any more problems with respect from you mice" she said as the mouse shook his head "And will you be coming back to our home" she asked again to which the mouse shook his head "And do you think I'm still a kitten who wears human baby diapers" she asked as the mouse shook his head "Good". Grape slipped the disgusting smelling mouse down the front of her diaper again as she unlocked the door and went down stairs to the back door. She pulled the mouse out of her diaper and put him down. Not taking any chances the mouse ran away from the house as fast as he could " I don't think you'll have to worry about anybody eating you for a while, Oh and don't forget to tell your friend that they'll be in the pail next if I catch them in the house." Grape yelled to the mouse as he disappeared into the grass.
After her victory over the mouse Grape went to the sink and washed her paws, knowing exactly where that mouse had been she didn't want to spread germs around. Before leaving the kitchen Grape got her glass of water and walked back to the couch.
Two hours later after Grape had finished reading she was in the living room playing games with Peanut. The jingling of keys followed by the clicking of the lock signaled the return of there Dad "DAD'S HOME" Peanut yelled as he ran to the front door and hugged his dad. "Woah there easy boy" Grape's dad said as he held a package wrapped in a grocery store bag over his head. "Whats in the bag dad" Grape said as she made her way over to her dad and Peanut who was clinging to his chest "Well I stopped by the store today and I saw something that you might like" he said. Mr. Sandwich shook Peanut off of him before taking off the bag to reveal a pack of diapers, not just any diapers though as these diapers had pictures of Prideland characters printed on them. "PRIDELAND DIAPERS" Grape said sounding a little surprised "Yup, I saw them at the store and I figured you might like them" her father said as he handed the pack to Grape "These ones are specially made for girls so Peanut if you want some too I can stop at the store again tomorrow and get boys ones or you could wear a pair of Grape's for now" Mr. Sandwich said as he saw Peanut staring at the packaging.
"Dad can I wear a pair now" Grape said as her father shook his head "You know the rules honey, you only get a new diaper if you use your current one so if you used your diaper just call me and I'll change you into a new one" he said. Grape thought about it for a minute, she really did want to try one of the diapers on as odd as it may seem for her but to do it she had to lower herself by using her diaper. As she mulled it over for a bit longer Grape was greeted to a pressure in her bladder and just like that she thought 'Screw it' and let go. Peanut was talking with his dad until he went quiet, listening to the hissing sound of Grape emptying her bladder into her diaper. He just watched as he saw her diaper begin to well as Grape just had a look of relief on her face.
"At a Girl, come on I'll change you into a new diaper" her dad said as he took her paw and led her upstairs to the nursery. Grape was put down for the first time on the changing table while her father got the supplies ready "Ready" he asked her to which Grape just nodded. The diaper tabs were ripped off and Grape shivered a little feeling the warm diaper that was on her nether region being removed to be replaced with cool air. The diaper was set aside as her father wiped Grape's lower half, causing her to shiver more. "I think you'll like this next part" Mr. Sandwich said as he took a bottle of baby oil and rubbed it in his hands "whys that" Grape said being curious "You'll see" he said in response. Grape soon found herself in a state on relaxation and wonder as her father started rubbing the oil into her nether region, causing her too purr and shut her eyes. She was so relaxed that she didn't even realize her father was putting baby powder on her and placing the new diaper around her. "All done" he said lifting Grape off the table and placing her on the ground "Are you coming down" he asked "No I think I'll take a nap before dinner" she said as her father threw the diaper away into Peanut and Grape's diaper pail and exiting the room
Grape couldn't help but poke at the front of the diaper: it had a picture of a strong looking lioness on it with pink tabs and sides. The smell was also pleasant as Grape still smelt the oil and the powder. Yawning slightly Grape made her way over to her bed, crinkling all the way. She laid down in her bed still poking at her diaper giggling slightly 'You know, maybe this isn't that bad' she thought to herself as she fell asleep, trying to get as much sleep in before Peanuts voice or the smell from his messy diaper woke her up.