An amazing picture including an even more amazing game. The last of us is that kind of game that only happens all 5 or 10 years, and it brainfucked me way more than once^^
An amazing picture including an even more amazing game. The last of us is that kind of game that onl
Nothing can compare to it. I can't go a minute without thinking about it, no joke. After a session with it, I pace the house for like hours or need to go for a long, long run outside. I've never felt this strongly about anything. Anything.
Nothing can compare to it. I can't go a minute without thinking about it, no joke. After a session
To protect other viewers from spoilers, I invite you to send me PM's if you want to discuss the ending or any other parts of the game. But just to say, I thought the ending was absolute and pure GENIUS. I'd love to keep talking about it, but maybe we should move on to PM's, haha.
To protect other viewers from spoilers, I invite you to send me PM's if you want to discuss the endi
*pops up* I volunteer! :x Im a bit afraid of the things that could go wrong with such a story at hand but a threeway convo about tloa feels rather lively haha forgive my enthusiasm ;3 its been x months and Im still busy about some things. the ending was.. kinda.. horrible.. xD for me. Joel is totally the tatooed guy from cloud atlas i.e.
*pops up* I volunteer! :x Im a bit afraid of the things that could go wrong with such a story at han
thats what I thought too xD luckily, I thought the same after Albion (ages ago) so I get kinda desensitized about that x) its a bit slower, less athmospheric, but certainly gripping! like a REALLY good episode of criminal minds, tloa is more of the blockbuster of the last five years or something.. in any case theres a walk through on youtube. and if you cant quite believe the beginning.. oh.. I start remembering things. if you have feelings you should really give it a try o-o
thats what I thought too xD luckily, I thought the same after Albion (ages ago) so I get kinda desen