I don't want you to take this the wrong way but why are you drawing chipmunks IB when you could be making more money than JESUS CHRIST! drawing cars and neat pictures like this?! I mean I LOVE your work..it's one of the true highlights of my submissions but DAMN!!
tl,dr THIS IS AWESOME! ;D but NO FAT? (cute beaver though :D )
I don't want you to take this the wrong way but why are you drawing chipmunks IB when you could be
WTF? I thought Germany is the only country in the world where YouTube hasn't come to peace-making license agreements with the rights industry yet?
Anyway, here's the same song and video on Vimeo: https://vimeo.com/30499259 This is the extended mix though, which gets significantly less airplay than the single that I linked on YouTube above.
WTF? I thought Germany is the only country in the world where YouTube hasn't come to peace-making li