The Reality Chapter Ten: Misery Loves Company
I woke up from the nap I took with Misery to end up puking in the bucket beside my bed. The taste was so bad that I could not get it out of my mouth. I got up to get a drink of water to make sure I was keeping myself hydrated. The only bad thing about me drinking so much water today was that I had to keep changing myself because I was constantly wet. My joints were pretty sore too at that, and I know I should have been resting but I had to get some exercise even if it was just walking around my room a bit. I went and sat down on my sofa with a light blanket. I was hot but when I did not have myself covered I was really cold. I had grabbed that fantasy novel and had begun to read it since it was the thing that took the least amount of effort to do. After I read a couple chapters I heard someone coming up the stairs. It was a lady from the kitchen staff bringing me soup and, surprisingly, something for Misery to eat. I got up and tried to wake her up but it was not working, so I filled up a cup of water and dumped a small bit on her face. That definitely woke her up! We sat down at the table and began to eat.
This soup was pretty good, though I had a difficulty actually tasting it. Misery was eating her food fast, as if she had not eaten today, and it was gone within a few minutes. I had sat there though and slowly ate. I did not want to rush anything with how sick I was. Misery sat there and put her head on the table, she seemed really tired today. I finished about half of my soup and I could not eat anymore. I looked at Misery and wondered how she seemed really down today for some reason.
"Misery, are you ok?" I asked her.
She looked up and replied. "Oh yeah I'm ok, I am worried about you though."
"I'll be fine Misery, its just a flu it will be done and over with in time." I said back to her.
She shook her head and said. "It is not because you're sick. It is because everyone treats you like a cub and you don't want that kind of attention. I think you should just accept it and try to give into it so you will be able to be happier. If you do I believe it will be easier for you to let go of your past."
"I want to be happy here, and I am, but I will never be able to let go of my past. I left the people who mattered to me, the ones who gave me a reason to live. I became selfish and left them to try to save my own life, when I realized my life was perfect because of them." I replied.
Misery looked at me and pleaded. "Ok don't let go of your past, but please embrace what you have now and live your life for what you are now."
"I will do my best for you Misery. You are always here for me, and I will always be here for you to make you happy because your my friend." I said to her with a smile.
Misery walked over to me and picked me up, carried me over to my bed and laid me down in it.She then pulled the covers over me and walked away, telling me to rest up because she did not want to see me being sick tomorrow. Not like I could promise that though, if I was sick tomorrow then there was nothing I could do about it. I tried relaxing but it was too boring, and I really wanted to do something. Not being able to contain my boredom for long, I got up, grabbed my guitar, then sat down in my bed with the blankets on my back. I started to play my guitar, at least I could keep myself busy with that for awhile. Thirty minutes went by before I heard another person coming into my room, today had been a busy day for guests. Turning my head I looked at the doorway it was the nurse from earlier today. She had walked over to me and sat down beside me on my bed. I continued to play my guitar, its not like I was exerting myself so I did not see anything wrong with it.
"Hey there sweetie. You should be resting, not playing your guitar." The nurse said, rubbing my back.
I replied to her softly. "But I have been resting all day, and this does not take much energy."
She took the guitar from my hands and said. "Still, you have to completely rest for the entire time while you're sick or you won't get better as quickly. I need you to lay down so I can check your temperature and everything please."
I laid down as she asked and she made me open my mouth to put the thermometer in, I held it there for a minute, until she pulled it out to see what my temperature was. She put a stethoscope on my chest and listened to my heart for a bit. She checked my back of the throat and my mouth to see if everything was ok in there as well. She had gathered up some different medicines and set them on the nightstand I had beside my bed. She had gotten them ready and made me drink them all. I'm assuming one of them would be putting me to sleep.
"Now just one more thing till I leave you for today little guy." she said, checking my diaper.
"Now I just have to change you, then you can have a good nights sleep." she said smiling at me.
I replied. "Ok, thank you for everything today."
I began to blush as she was changing me. Though it took her less than a minute. She leaned towards me and gave me a hug goodnight and left my room. “Well,” I said thinking to myself, “I could say today things had definitely changed for me. I believe I should do as Misery asked me, to embrace my cub side more.” My ears had begun to droop as I was getting more tired. It did not take me to long to fall asleep.
The next three days went by pretty slowly as well. I had been sick for four days before I actually started to feel better, and I was now able to attend my classes. It was quite hard to pay attention still being a little sick and everything. Since I had been sick, the snow had begun to fall and the ground was lightly covered in its white blanket. There was another group of big tests for all the subjects coming up because the winter break would be starting soon, and I would be off to the hospital I first woke up in for a week or two. After my classes were done I sat by myself for about an hour until Trast came up.
"Hey now that you're feeling better, do you want to come down to our practice?" He asked me.
"Sure, just let me get ready and get those songs for you guys." I said putting my cloak on and grabbing the songs.
We went down to the music room where they were ready to begin to practice. They were not the only ones in here practicing either today, there were a few others in here. I even noticed a cub my age was here as well. I gave the songs to Trast and Felli so they could review them and then I went over to the other cub who was playing a violin. I stood in front of him listening to his playing, he was quite good at it, and I was impressed. He was a brownish porcupine, He had black hair and blue eyes.
"Do you need something from me." Said the cub.
"I was just listening to you play, you’re quite good at it." I replied sheepishly to the cub.
"Oh, I see. Well my name is Alexander if you are wondering, most just call me Alex, What is your name?" He asked.
"My name is Kyoga, its nice to meet you. How long have you been playing the violin?" I asked him.
"Well I've been playing it for quite a while, I can't remember when I started, but my parents made me start doing it." Alex said. "You seem really nice, do you want to play sometime."
Not knowing how to respond, I said. "Umm sure, I don't really play much with other cubs though."
"That's ok. You can't be bad at playing with others, its impossible." Said Alex.
With that, I told him that I needed to go to the others to see their progress in what they were doing. They were actually still looking at the songs, wondering which one they should try first. I just grabbed one of them and told them to do it. They did not argue and tried it. They had gotten it down pretty solid before calling it quits. Misery, while I had been talking to them, had snuck up on me and scared me once again. Misery and I left everyone, and ended up walking around the school a bit. We were walking for about thirty minutes when a lion-like male came up to Misery and begun to talk with her.
"Hey babe, you want to come back to my dorm for some fun?" He said to her.
"Well how about you walk away and I will let you know when I’m into idiots like you." Misery replied.
"You don't get it, do you." He said grabbing Misery by the arm and holding her against the wall. "Now I'm not asking you. I'm telling you."
Misery tried to struggle against his grasp and said. "You let me go scumbag, or else."
"Going to call for a teacher are we? Well guess what the teachers are all gone." The lion said.
Misery laughed and said. "You're going to be the one calling for a teacher."
With that, she kicked him in the crotch and punched him in the stomach. She then took his arm and twisted it around his back, slamming him against the wall. Next, she threw him onto the floor, and began to walk away with me following closely behind her. She did not say too much, we just walked. I needed to say something, as this silence was quite unnerving.
"Are you ok Misery? He did not hurt you, did he?" I asked.
"No he didn't. That kind of stuff happens to me all the time, I just have to teach creeps their place is all." She replied.
"So that's why you were always getting into fights." I said to her.
"Yeah, that is the biggest reason for me fighting anyway." She replied, stopping the conversation there.
We just went back up into my room and sat down on my couch. She then grabbed me and cuddled with me. This was the first time in quite a while that someone cuddled with me so it was weird to say the least. Not too long later, I had fallen asleep in Misery's arms.
My next few weeks were filled with constant studying so I could pass my tests. I would rigorously study all materials I had learned for the past months. I was finally sure that I could pass. I had also started to do my P.E activities indoors because the snow was too high outside. The test dates were coming soon, and I of course was worrying, but I was also excited for the upcoming trip to the hospital. I was going to be able to see all the people I used to talk to and the ones who had brought me into this world.